This is a presentation of some facts and background information on the disgraceful assault of the Zionist Army (’IDF’) on the people of Gaza, July, August 2014; provided by the social networking community.
After observing the ’Israel - Palestinian conflict’ for decades, we have come to the conclusion - that there is – on the side of the Israeli occupants (the government and its supporters) – no will and no desire to strive for a peaceful and equitable solution.

Such a solution would have to start with the Israeli admission of reality, esp. that the Zionists have been unjust and oppressive against the Palestinians for a long time and that they would need treat them as equals in future.
Of course, compared with the racism and supremacism of today’s Israel, this is a bold step, but there is no alternative. Bombs are no solution.
Remember: The Palestinian don’t have much to lose, but the Israelis would have so much to win! Not the least a life in peace with their neighbours.

NB: Much of the recent ill-advised Muslim(? this is not Islam) extremism (from the East to the West to the South) has been nourished by the non-healing, pestering wounds of occupied Palestine.

NB: Even Jews are completely against the apartheid, supremacist state of ”Israel,” and declare:
”From the inception of Zionism, this atheistic, supremacist ideology was categorically opposed by ALL leading Rabbinical Sages as the very antithesis to Judaism.
No, AntiZionism was never an isolated belief but rather a broad consensus!”
Read more: True Torah Jews - Rabbinic Quotations