_ living islam : Islamic tradition _ https://www.livingislam.org/ Re: Shafi'i fatwa on abbreviating the salat and salam Q: What is the shafi'i ruling on writing "saws" or "saw" or any other such abbreviation instead of the full salat and salam, say in a book, when the Prophet (salla Llahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is mentioned? A: Imam al-Nawawi in Tahdhib al-Asma' wal-Lughat said all this must be avoided: Such supplications are worship and should be written in full, whether salla Allahu `alayhi wa-Sallam (not "s") or radya Allahu `anh (not "r") or `alayhi as-Salam (not "`ayn") or "rahimahu Allah" (not "rah"). Likewise English abbreviations and acronyms such as SAW and PBUH, not to mention symbols such as asterisks! In common English usage acronyms and abbreviations have always been considered poor style and representative of a dearth of thought, let alone for the loftiest referents and acts such as worship. By analogy, abbreviations such as "aa wr wb" instead of "as-salamu `alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh" are also makruh. WAllahu a`lam. gibril 2008-07-06