Bismillahi Al-Rahmani Al-Rahim

The Age of Legal Responsibility

Do the Hanbalis have a set age for taklif, like the Shafi'is, or is it
simply set at as soon as someone sees a wet dream?

al-salamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

Legal responsibility [taklif] is usually assigned of anyone who has reached physical maturity [bulugh] and is sane [`aqil]. Several indicators are used in determining physical maturity.

For males, this consists of one of the following happening:
  1. Ejaculation
  2. Completing fifteen lunar years
  3. Sprouting of course pubic hair

For females, this consists of one of the following happening:
  1. Pregnancy
  2. Completing fifteen lunar years
  3. Sprouting of coarse pubic hair
  4. Menstruation

A related definition that is crucial for commercial transactions is rational [rushd] which is defined as being wise with ones money and not wasting it on things with no benefit.

[See: Nail al-ma'arib bi sharh dalil al-talib, 1.399-400.]

And Allah knows best.

Wa al-salamu `alaykum