
- tasawwuf
- texts & quotes



 Ibn `Arabi
 Hasan al-Basri
 Abu Hanifa
 Sufyan al-Thawri
 Imam Malik
 Imam Shafi`i
 Ahmad bin Hanbal
 Imam Ahmad
 Ibn `Aqil al-Hanbali
 Ibn al-Jawzi
 Ibn `Abd al-Salam
 Ibn Taymiyya
 Ibn Taymiyya II
 Ibn `Ata Allah I
 Ibn `Ata Allah II
 Ibn Khaldun
 Ibn `Abidin


What Is Sufism [tsw] ?
Sufism in Islam
Al-Junayd (ra)
Al-Ghazali (ra)
Al-Suyuti (ra)
Ibn-Arabi (ra) + IR
tsw of Al-Bistami
tsw of Al-Shafi`i
tsw Shuyukh
Islamic Sufism
Sharī`ah, Tarīqah, Haqīqah
Tasawwuf - Sufism in Islam























[exL] = external link





    tasawwuf – Sufism, texts at :
* living islam - Islamic tradition *

greenstar2satThis page (from 2005) has been superseded by a newer version, entitled:
A Survey Of Decisive Arguments And Proof For Tasawwuf - Sufism in Islam link-green

01 - tasawwuf – an explanation
011→ Sufism ( tasawwuf ) is a knowledge through which one knows the states of the human soul, praiseworthy or blameworthy, how to purify it from the blameworthy and ennoble it by acquiring the praiseworthy [qualities], and to journey and proceed to Allah Most High, fleeing unto Him [by taking a spiritual path - tarīq ].
   Its fruits are the heart's development, knowledge of God - Allah - through direct experience and ecstasy [ie. true experience of the Divine], salvation in the next world, triumph through gaining Allah's pleasure, the attainment of eternal happiness, and illuminating and purifying the heart so that noble matters disclose themselves, extraordinary states are revealed, and one perceives what the insight of others is blind to.
   Muhammad Amin Kurdi [ icd_e ]

012→ The substance of Sufism is the Truth (al-Haqq, one of Allah's names) and
the definition of Sufism is the selfless experiencing and actualization of the Truth.
(see also below: 071, ...)

02 - principles of tasawwuf
021→ All the authentic principles of tasawwuf are to be found in the Qur'an and ahadīth.
022→ He who dies without having entered into this knowledge of ours dies insisting upon his grave sins (kaba'ir) without realizing it. [ Al-Shadhili ]
023→ Reaching substantial, true belief in Divine Oneness and living in accordance with its demands. [ 10 principles of Tasawwuf ]

03 - tasawwuf - the way of the Sufis
031→ The reality of tasawwuf is defined by truthful self-orientation (sidq al-tawajjuh) to Allah Most High. (10 items:) [ What is Sufism? ]
032→ Know that tasawwuf is two things:
Truthfulness with Allah Almighty and good conduct with people. Anyone who practices these two things is a Sufi ... [ Imam Al-Ghazali ]

04 - The foundations of our path
041→ These foundations are 5 :
* taqwā (godfearingness, mindfulness of Allah), privately and publicly,
* Adherence to the Sunna in word and deed,
* Indifference to whether others accept or reject one,
* Contentment with Allah Most High both in times of hardship and ease,
* Turning to Allah in prosperity and adversity (in happiness or affliction).

042→ The principles of treating the illnesses of the soul are also 5 :
* lightening the stomach by diminishing one's food and drink,
* taking refuge in Allah Most High from the unforeseen when it befalls,
* shunning situations that involve what one fears to fall victim to,
* continually asking for Allah's forgiveness and His blessings upon the Prophet ﷺ
  (Allah bless him and give him peace) night and day with full presence of mind,
* and keeping the company of him who guides one to Allah. [exL: Al-Nawawi]

05 - texts on tasawwuf
051→ Briefly put, 'sufi' is a second-century name applied to a type of Muslim earlier known as 'zahid.' The lexical root of sufi is variously traced to ...
G F Haddad [ Sufism in Islam ]
052→ The Tarīqah or Spiritual Path which is usually known as Tasawwuf or Sufism is the inner and esoteric dimension of Islam and like the Sharī`ah has its roots in the Quran and prophetic practice.
S H Nasr: [ Sharī`ah, Tarīqah And Haqīqah ]
053→ We seek the Sufism that addresses the ailments of the heart, plugs the holes through which Satan can steal into hearts, and resists the desires of the human soul ...
Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi [ On Tasawwuf ]

06 - Concerning The Opponents of Tasawwuf
061→ Certain opponents of tasawwuf adduce two reports, one chainless and one weak-chained, originating in a man from the city of Naseebeen (Iraq) who has been critiqued as munkar al-hadith or 'disclaimed in his narrations' to claim that Imam Malik derided group dhikr ... GF Haddad [ Imam Malik and the Sufis ]
062→ When you detect the slightest whiff of disrespect for (the schools of tasawwuf), you have been given the first sign that you are in the presence of a disconnected, unbeneficial person ... GF Haddad [ Sunnism is respect ]
063→ As for the statement "being a sufi, he is from among those who have gone astray in the history of Islam" it would be fair to say that this statement constitutes kufr because it attributes misguidance to the massive majority of the elite of this Umma ... GF Haddad [ Mawlana Jalal al-Din ar-Rumi 'misguided'? ]
064→ Remember Imam Ghazali's advice in al-Munqidh min al-Dalal: "Think good thoughts (about Sufis) and do not harbor doubts in your heart"; and of Ibn Hajar al-Haytami's fatwa concerning critics of those who respect tasawwuf and believe in awliya': "Bad thoughts about them (Sufis) is the death of the heart." ...
GFH [Those Who Attack Al-Ghazali]
065→ Although there is no evidence that the word “Tasawwuf” (the Arabic word for “Sufism”) was used by the Prophet (peace be upon him), he certainly used the word ‘Ihsan' or spiritual sincerity. Sufi Shaykhs have said that Sufism itself is nothing other than this sincerity, or the perfect following of the way of Muhammad, both inner and outer. [exL: Sufism and the Sunnah]

07 - Sufism Is Self-Purification
071→ Hadith of the Prophet on the heart:
“... truly in the body there is a morsel of flesh which, if it be whole, all the body is whole and which, if it be diseased, all of it is diseased. Truly it is the heart.” (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim) [link]
072→ The process of self-purification means that a muslim undertakes to rid himself of repellant characteristics and acquire praiseworthy ones, so that he perfects his worship of his Lord and attains His nearness.
073→ The Sufi is that muslim whose inner and outer behaviour are in harmony with the Shari`ah (Divine Law), so that he realizes (thqq*; tahqīq) his iman, islam and ihsan.

08 - Famous Quotes On Sufism
081→ Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal said about the Sufis: “I don't know people better than them.” Someone said to him: "They listen to music and they reach states of ecstasy." He said: “Do you prevent them from enjoying an hour with Allah?” sunnah.org -> - expired link
082→ Imam al- Shafi`i said: “Be both a faqih and a sufi: do not be only one of them! Verily, by Allah's truth, I am advising you sincerely. [L]
083→ Imam Malik said: “He who practices tasawwuf without learning Sacred Law corrupts his faith, while he who learns Sacred Law without practicing tasawwuf corrupts himself. Only he who combines the two proves true.” [Sufism in Islam]
084→ For Abu Madyan, an aspirant's spiritual progress
could never be separated from his social responsibility:
"Sufism is not the (mere) observance of rules, nor does it consist of degrees or stages. Instead, Sufism consists of personal integrity, generosity of spirit, the emulation of what has been revealed, knowledge of the (divine) Message, and adhering to the way of the prophets. He who deviates from these sources finds himself grazing in the gardens of Satan, submerged in the ocean of lusts, and wandering in the darkness of ignorance." [Bidayat al-murid (Basic principles of the Sufi path); Abu Madyan]
085→ ...




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