On The Supreme Identity

On The Supreme Identity

From the Dictionary of René Guénon

by Jean-Marc Vivenza9

This short article is for the purpose of religious studies. It is not promoting the idea that religions are equally valid.

The man on the path of self-realization1 "is properly speaking not a [common] man any more, because he is described as one who has "transcended humanity transcended the manifest to attein to the non-manifest2 and has entirely gone beyond its specific conditions”, and above all has reached the highest level of realization3 called the Supreme Identity. DRG202

The Supreme Identity is the same as what is called "Deliverance”, "because the being which reaches it, has been freed from the shackles of conditioned existence, of whatever state and under whatever mode, by the perfect identification with the universal4.

Related points:

The Self cannot be known by anyone who desists not from unrighteous ways, controls not his senses, stills not his mind, and practices not meditation. (From the Katha Upanishad, 3rd part) UP87

  1. realization: The passage [spiritual wayfaring, jihad] beyond contradictions, beyond opposites, the comprehension of the absolute Unity of the Principle, this is what the traditions call Realization, the full and effective “Non-duality” (adwaita).

  2. the non-manifest: … DRG419, comment on Katha Upanishad, 3rd part[fn].

  3. see above: realization

  4. universal: This notion - as R. Guénon describes it - does not belong to the domain of the individual, but on the contrary it has a transcendant character, which places it originally into a position of "non-reduceability” [it cannot be reduced to something else] regarding the habitual data which form the classical concepts of metaphysics. [more @ DRG504]

  5. Unity: indivisible and without parts, having all the aspects of divinity (asrár rabbániyah) intimately tied to the [Principle][fn4]. Cf. manifestation: "unicity” of Existence, i.e. reality includes all [levels and] modes of Manifestation. [more @ DRG502]

  6. Principle: The First Source, Oneness without second, without duality, beyond any determination - Formless, Unchanging, the [Self][fn6]. DRG398

  7. From the Katha Up.: The Self cannot be known through study of the scriptures, not through the intellect, nor through hearing learned discourses. The Self can be attained only by those whom the Self chooses. Verily unto them does the Self reveal himself.

  8. cannot be known: However this does not mean the disdain of the scriptures, the intellect, or the learned discourses. These provide the light of the lampposts in the world of darkness.

  9. The Dictionary of René Guénon is as far as we know only in French: Le Dictionnaire de René Guénon par Jean-Marc Vivenza.