Abbrev. |
Title, Author, (lang/category) year |
2HS | From The Two Holy Sanctuaries; G F Haddad (e/i) 2009
3EST | Three Early Sufi Texts (H. Tirmidhi, Sulami) (e/it) 2006
4P | Four Pillars Of Spiritual Transformation; Ibn ʿArabi (e/it) 11
A | 'Awaarif al-ma'aarif; As-Suhrawardii: Gaben d Erkenntnis (d/it) 1994
ABNA | Abdest-Namaz-Islami Bilgiler, (d) (d/if) 1993
ABMS | Ancient Beliefs and Modern Superstitions, M Lings, (e/i) 2016
ABP | L'alchémie du bonheur parfait; Ibn 'Arabi (f/it) 1989
AC | Afghan Caravan; coll by Shah, Safia (e/it)k)g)hi) 95
AFF | Mystic Philosophy Muhyid Din Ibnul-Arabi; Afiffi (e/it) 89
AG | Alter Glaube und moderner Aberglaube (d) 07
AHR | Ana al-Haqq Reconsidered; Kamran, Gilani (e/it) 1995
AIK | Afghanistan Islam + Kvinnans roll; Söderberg R. (sv/ij) 1990
AM | Aristotele's Metaphysics, (e/p) 1996
AMA | 'Awarif al Awarif; Suhrawardi (e/it) 1988
AN | Asrar Nama; Attar (e/it) 1988
AP | Aussprüche d Propheten; Isl. Zentrum Hamburg (d/ih) 92
AQID | Fundamentals Aqidah-Ahl-Sunnah; Jamiat Ihyaa (e/ih) 92
AR | The Arabs; Mansfield, Paul (e/hi) 1991
ASA | Allahs Sonne über d Abendland; Hunke, Sigrid (d/hi) 1994
AV | Andra Världar; Davies Paul (sv/py) 1991
AOT | Argument om Tro; Franck, Olof; (sv/p) 93
B | Sahih al-Buhari (a(e/ih) 1986
BA | Book of Assistance; Imam al-Haddaad (e/i)t)f) 1994
BAHA | Bahaism, origins + role; (e/r) 1987
BAY | The Lights of Revelation & t Secrets of Interpretation, Al-Baydawi 2018
BBÖK | Bortom Berg och öknar, Afghanistan; Myrdal, (sv/rs) 1987
BC | Baidawi's Commentary On Surah 12 Quran (e(a/iq) 94
BD | New Concise Bible Dictionary; ed. Williams, D (e/c,d) 1993
BG | Bhagavad-Gita; (sv/r,ho) 88
BH | Biblisk Historia; Henrikson, Alf (sv/c,hi) 93
BI | Belief and Islam; I'tiqad-Nama (e/i) 1989
BISD | Basics Of Islamic Doctrine; at-Tahawi (e/i) 1995
BIST | Biblical Studies fr Muslim Perspective; Mufassir (e/ic) 1981
BO | Biblisk Ordbok II; Bensow, Oscar; Sth.'20 (sv/c,d) 88
BK | Book of Knowledge; Al-Ghazali (e/i) 2004
BL | Breven till Lucilius; Seneca (sv/p) 1994
BMA | Bulugh al-maram min adilat al-ahkam, Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani, (e/) 99
BQH | Sura al-Baqara; Haeri, Shaykh Fadhallah tfs Su 2 (e(a/iq) 1989
BQS | Bible,Quran and Science; Bucaille (e/i,r)c) 87
BRE | Book of Religion and Empire; Tabari, 'Ali (e/i) 1990
BRN | Gospel of Barnabas (e/ho)r) 89
BS | Brahma Sutras; Sivanenda (e/ho)r) 92
BSB | Brahma Sutras; Sankarac. (e/ho)r) 92
BSBS | Brahma Sutra; Radhakrishnan, S. (FOC z.T.) (e/ho)r) 92
BTS | Buddha Talade + Sade (sv/ho)r) 88
BU | Buddha, Percheron (d/r) 1983
BV | De Brevitate vitae, Die Kürze des Lebens; Seneca (l(d/p) 1988
CALL | How to call People to Islam? Saqr, Abdul Badei (e/i) 1988
CAS | Seeing Castaneda; ed. Noel, Daniel C. (e/r) 1985
CAU | Caucasian Book.Longevity+Well-Being,Yagan (e/imc) 1993
CB | Conference of Birds, Attar (e/it) 1982
CDS | Contemplative Sufism,Valiuddin M (e/it) 1993
CECQ | Les Commentaires ésotériques du Coran, A R al-Qashani; P Leroy (f/i) 2017
CEI | The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam (e/i) 2017
CEMP | Comprendre L'Empire; Alain Soral (f/sh) 2017
CG | Chinese Gleans of Sufi Light, S. Murata (e/it) 2012
CI | Creative Imagination Ibn 'Arabi, Corbin (e/it) 1986
CMW | Crisis of the Modern World; Guénon, Réné (e/m) 1993
CSM | Culte des saints musulmans; Montet douard (f/it) 1994
D | Sunan Abu Dawood (e/ih) 1991
DAJ | Dajjal; Thompson ,Ahmad (e/i) 1992
DB | Dotter Berättar om seder + traditioner i Iran; Behros (sv/i)k) 93
DBI | Duties of Brotherhood in Islam; Al-Ghazali (e/it)f) 1985
DD | Decree And Destiny; Sh F Haeri (e/it) 05
DDB | Devil's Delusion; D. Berlinski (e/) 10
DDC | Dream Dictionary; Crip, T. (e/d) 1994
DDR | Dictionary of Dreams; Ibn Siriin (e/i)d) 1994
DEC | Découverte de l'Islam; Pasquier, Roger Du; (f/it)m) 1993
DEI | Diplomacy in Early Islam, Iqbal A (e/ipo) 1993
DEK | Dekadenz im Islam, Über das Problem d; Salz, A. (d/i)po) 1989
DG | Divine Goverance of the Human Kingdom; Ibn Arabi (e/i) 2005
DI | Dictionary of Islam (e/id) 1990
DIM | Duties Of An Imam; ed. Shad, Abdur Rahman (e/i) 1995
DL | Delicious Laughter; (from the Mathnawi), Rumi (e/it) 1993
DLG | Deutsche Literarurgeschichte, Mann, Otto (d/l) 1995
DN | La Vie merveilleuse de Dhu-Nun; Ibn al-'Arabi (f/it) 93
DP | Dhamma Pada; Buddha (e/b)r) 1986
DPR | Dermis Probe; Shah.I (e/it)s) 1992
DPT | Deutsche Predikten und Traktate; Meister Eckehart (d/r)m) 95
DRBD | Ad-Durratu-l BaiDaa.u; Ibn Arabi (a/i) 1996
DRQ | Letters of Darqawi; Al-'Arabi ad-Darqaawi (e/it) 1988
DRG | Dictionnaire de René Guénon; Jean-Marc Vivenza (f/) 2005
DS | Doctrine of Sufis; Khalabadhi (e/it) 1980
DW | The Darqawi Way; Al-'Arabi ad-Darqaawi (e/it) 1992
EDH | Étude Des Doctrines Hindus; Guénon, René (f/m) 1993
EE | End of Economics; Vadillo, Umar (e/iec)po) 92
EER | Europas eigene Religion; Sigrid Hunke (d/) 1988
EFS | The Essential Frithjof Schuon; SH Nasr (e/m) 2016
EG | Elixir der Glückseligkeit; Al-Ghazzali (d/it) ..
EGN | The Elixir of The Gnostics; Mulla Sadra (e/a/it) 2007
EGR | Egyption Religion, Wallis,B. (e/r) 1992
EIH | Elements of Islam; F. Haeri (e/i) 1996
EIT | Esoterism Islam + Tao; Guénon, René (e/im)r) 1986
ELG | Essay sur le Lexique de Ghazzali (Handgeschr.) (a(f/it) 1984
ELH | Eleventh Hour; Lings, Martin (e/im) 1990
ELIV | Evigt Liv; Mutahhari M. (sv/ip) 1985
EM | Att vara Europeisk muslim; Tariq Ramadan (sv) 2011
EN | Enneads I; Plotinus (e/p) 1996
EQ | Etiquette with The Quran; al-Nawawi (e/i) 2003
ER | Educational Revolution; Imam Khomeini (e/i) 1994
ERC | Ethico-Religious Concepts in the Quran; Izutzu (e/i) 1993
ESP | Excellence Of Syro-Palestine - Al-Sham; tr. G F Haddad (e/i) 2009
ETG | Etikens Grunder. En vägledning ...; Hedin, C. (sv/p) 1994
EUI | L'Esprit universel de l'Islam; Gilis, Charles-André (f/it) 2006
EVS | Evenings with Idries Shah (e/it)s) 1986
EW | East & West, René Guénon (e/mx) -
EWMU | Ewige Wunder Muhammads; Khalifa R (d/i) -
ESW | Einheit im Sein und Wirken; Meister Eckhart (d/cm) 1994
FDHA | From Depth o Heart in America; Nadwi (e/i) 1989
FEZ | Fez. Marockanska Interiörer; Tharaud J. et J. (sv/ik)rs) 1994
FFTL | Fruits From the Tree of Light; Nursi, Bediuzz. S (e/i) 1986
FG | Futuh al-Ghaib; Sayyid Abdul Qadir Gilani (e/it) 1989
FIPR | Finality Of Prophethood; Dehlevi (e/i) 1986
FIS | The Four Imams And Their Schools; Gibril F Haddad (e/i) 2007
FKOR | Förstā Koranen; Mutahhari Muhammad (e/ip) -
FL | Filosofilexikonet; Red. Poul Lübcke
FMF | Fihi ma fihi; Rumi (e/it) 1981
FMGR | Führer für Muslime zu Glauben+Reinheit; Al-Kh (d/if) -
FONI | Food +Nutrition in Islam; Hussaini (e/if)he) .
FRIS | Funeral Regulations in Islam; Mecca al-Mukk. (e/if) 1982
FSH | Comment on Four Suras; Sh F. Haeri (tfs 29,55,56,67/ (e/iq) 1992
FUC | Fucus al-Hikaam, Weisheit d. Propheten;Ibn Arabi (d/it) 1988
FUIM | Future Islam - a Manifest; Sh. al-Qadir (e/i) -
FUIS | Fundamentals of Islam; Sulayman (e/i) -
FUT | Futuwwah; as-Salami, Ibn Al-Husayn (e/it) 1987
FWM | Freiheit die wir meinen, A.C. Grayling (d) 2009
G- | Koranexegese, ed.Gätje (d/iq) 1984
GAS | Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, F Sezgin (d/i) 2017
GBET | Gebet im Islam (d/if) -
GD | Den Glömda Dimension; Almkvist, Kurt (sv/m) 1990
GEIS | Geist des Islam; Asad M. (Spirit of Islam) (d/i)p)k) 93
GFMK | Guide för muslimska kvinnor; Farah, M.; (sv/if) 1994
GGM | Gesellschaft in d. Geschichte d. Mittelalters; Bosl, K (d/hi) 93
GHG | Geheimnisse hinter den Geheimnissen; S.N. Al-Haqqani (d/it) 94
GHJ | Guide to Hajj; Hussain; S. A. (e/i) 1991
GK | Die grossen Kalifen; Konzelmann, G. (d/ihi) 1994
GMJN | Gott, Mensch und das Jenseits; Nursi, Bediuz. Said (d/i) 1986
GMMW | Goo & Magog In The Modern World, I Hosein (e/i) 2017
GNO | De Gnostiska Evangelierna; Pagels, Elaine (sv/c) 1990
GPQ | Geschichten d.Propheten aus d. Quran; Islam.Z.Hbg (d/ihi) 93
GR | Gardens of the Righteousness; an-Nadwi, Imam (e/ih) 1982
GS | Growth to Selfhood, Arastech,R (e/it)p) 1992
GTP | Genom Tingens Portar; Almqvist, Kurt (sv/m) 1994
GZ | Philos +Rel.Subjektivismus Ghazalis; Obermann, J; (d/ip) '21 91
HA | Hizb-ul-A'zam; publ. Nasri, Nusrat Ali (e/iq) 1990
HAF | Teachings Of Hafiz; transl. Bell, Gertrude L.; (e/it) 1992
HAG | Hagakure, The Book of the Samurai; Tsanetomo (e/r) 1983
HAJJ | Hajj, Shariati (e/ip) 1987
HAU | Hilyat-ul Awliya, Abu Naʿim al-Asfahāni (e/ip) 1987
HB | Memoirs of Hasan al-Banna Shaheed (e/i)hi) 93
HD | Al-Ahadiths Al-Quoudoussias; trad. F Chaaban (a/f/ih) 1997
HDV | L'Homme Devenir Vedanta, Guénon,R (f/m) 1992
HFIA | Hilfsmittel für den Fragenden, Ibn Arabi (d/it) 1981
HH | Halal + Haram in Islam; al-Qaradwi, Yusuf (e/if) 1987
HI | Hukumat Islami; Imam Al-Khomeini (e/if)po) 87
HIA | Hikaam Ibn Ata Allah,(a)-(f) (a(f/it) 1992
HIB | Hikaam Ibn Ata Allah,Bedrängnisse...(d) (d/it) 1993
HIL | Hilyat Al-Abdal, Ibn ʿArabi (e/i) 2012
HIN | The Heart of Islam, S H Nasr (e/it) 2016
HO | Heavenly Ornaments; Thanvi, Ashraf Ali; (e/if) 79 81
HOME | Travelling Home; Abdul Hakim Murad; (e) 2021
HOP | Livets väg, En bok om Hopi- Indianerna; r. Hultgren, (sv/r) -
HPI | Histoire de la philosophie Islamique; Corbin, Hernry (f/ihi)p) 92
HPO | Histoire de la philosophie Occidentale; Revel, Jean-F.(f/hi)p) 77
HQ | 40 Hadith Qudsi; Ezzeddin,J-Davies (e/ih) 1981
HS | Helgonens Svar; Vallquist, Gunnel (sv/c)
HT | Halsband der Taube; Ibn Hazm Alandalusii (d/ik) 1993
HST | Himmelsstegen, Almquist,K. (sv/m) 1992
HY | Hai Ibn Yaqszan, Tufail (e/ip) 1983
IA | Ilm al-Akhlaq; Imam Razi (e/ip) 1995
IAE | Islam Against Economics; Vadillo, Umar (e/i) 1992
IA | Ibn Arabi: Heir to the Prophets (e/i) 2007
IAGU | Ivan Aguéli: Sensation of Eternity (e) 2021
IARE | Islamic Awakening Between Rejection and Extremism, Qaradawi (e) 2012
IBPC | Islam: Basic Principles +Characteristics, Khursh Ahmed (e/i) 82
ICG | Islamic Concept of God; Zia Ullah, Mohammad (e/ip)t) 94
ID | Inner Dimension of Islamic Worship, Al Ghazzali (e/it) 1985
IDM | Islam And The Destiny of Man, Hassan Gai Eaton (e/i)hi)t) 92
IE | Islamische Ethik, Al Ghazzali (e/it)f) 1981
IECQ | Les Interprétations Ésotériques du Coran, A R al-Qashani ; M. Vālsan (f/i) 2017
IFS | Indications from Signs, al-Qadir (e/i)p) 1981
IG | Introduction (Introd. générale) to t Study of t Hindu Doctrines, R Guénon
IH | Ihya, Al Ghazzali ,Vol. I-IV (e/it)f) 1990
IIQ | Introduction to Islam, Yusuf Al-Qaradawy (e/i) 1999
IK | Islam enligt Koranen; Christer Hedin (sv) 11
ILL | Les Illuminations de la Mecque, Ibn ʿArabi (f/i) 1999
ILM | Islamic Legal Maxims, al-Karkhi - Al-Nasafi (e/i) 2007
IM | Islams Mångfald; ed. Svenska Afghanistan Komm (sv/ik)hi)p) 91
IMO | Islamisten; Mohamed Omar (sv) 10
IMOV | Islam and Modern Values; Hoballah (e/ip) -
IMS | Islamic Mysticism-Sufism, Rastogi (e/it) 1988
IMW | Islam In The Modern World, S H Nasr (e/it) 2012
IN | Ihahi Nama, Attar (e/it) 1984
IINN | L'Intégrité Islamique, Ni Intégrisme, Ni Intégation; C A Gilis (f/it) 2005
IPMM | Islam and the Plight of Modern Man, Nasr (e/it) 1992
IPS | Idea of Personality in Sufism; Nicholson, R, (e/it) '76 93
IPZ | Islam, Postmodernism a. Other Futures; Sardar, Ziauddin (e/i) 2003
IR | Irshad, Shaykh Muzaffer Ozak (e/it) 1991
IRI | Ideals And Realities Of Islam, S H Nasr (e/it) 2005
IS | Who needs Islamic State, El-Affendi (e/i)po) 92
ISBU | Islams Budskap-Sista B.-Sista Profeten (e/i) -
ISCO | Islamic Constitution; Maudoodi (e/if)po) 81
ISFP | Islam: faith + practice, Ahsan M (e/i) -
ISHD | Islam; Geschichte,Religion, Kultur, Hamidullah (d/ihi)k)f) -
ISIF | Islam betw.Ign Followers +Incpl Scholars;Audah (e/ipo)p) 88
ISKA | Kleiner Islamischer Katechismus, Schmiede, Ahm. (d/i) -
ISL | Islam, Religion-Kultur-Samhälle;red Richert, A (sv/ik)p) 88
ISN | Islamic Studies, S H Nasr (e/i) 2017 88
ISOC | Islam - Our Choice;ed.Bawani (e/i)p) -
ISP | Inner Secrets of the Path; Amuli, Sayyid Haydar (e/it) 1992
ISPB | Salat or Islamic Prayer Book, Ashraf (e/ih) -
IAFG | Islam i Afghanistan; Samuelsson, J; '86 modernis. (sv/ihi)k)so) 87
ISH | Islam, hier und heute; Beiträge v.1-12.Treffen Musl (d/i) 82
ISPR | Islam-perfect religion + way of life, Nadwi (e/i) 1989
ISR | Initiation & Spiritual Realization; René Guénon (e/im) 2006
ISRE | Islamiska Republ,Begeppet; Mutahari (e/ipo) 1985
ISRF | Islam Religion Of The Future; Qutb Sayyid (e/ip)po) 84
ISRÖ | Islamiska Rörelser 19h-t., Mutahari (e/ipo) 1986
ISS | Islamic Spain; Goodwin, Godfrey; Ldn'90 (e/ihi) 1993
ISUH | Islamic Unity +Happiness; Mutahari (e/i)p) -
ISUZ | Islam in unserer Zeit; Schmiede, Ahmad (d/i) -
ISVM | Islamic View of Man; Shariati (e/ip) -
ITT | Inner teachings of Taoism; Po-Tuan, Chang (d/r) 1987
IV | Den Islam verstehen; Schuon, Frithjof (d/it) 1994
IVIP | Islamic View on Imposed Peace,Taskh. (e/ipo) -
IVZI | Imam Versus Zionism (e/ipo) -
JAH | Juz 'Amma; Haeri (tfs/ Su 78 - 114) (e/iq) 1987
JEGU | Jewels Of Guidance; ahadith (e/ih) 1991
JIHD | Jihad-nicht "Heiliger Krieg"; Moghaddam, M. (d/i) 1987
JIHI | Jihad i Islam; Maududi (sv/i) 1993
JLP | Journey to the Lord of Power; Ibn Arabi (e/it) 1982
JQ | Jerusalem in the Quran; Imran N. Hosein (e/i) 2017
JUN | Life, Personality, writings.Al-Junayd; Abd el-Kader (e/it) 1983
KALL | Knowing Allah; Bahonar, Muhammad Javad (e/i)p) 1987
KAM | Kashf Al-Mahjuub; Al-Hujwiri, trnsl. Nicholson (e/i) 1983
KAQ | Kitab Ahwal Qayimat; (a(d/i) 1991
KDG | Karl der Grosse; Kalckhoff, Andreas (d/hi) 1991
KE | Koran erklärt, DLF (d/i) 2017
KEA | Korstågen enligt Araberna; Maalouf, Amin (sv/ihi) 1993
KHW | Masters of Wisdom of Central Asia;Shushud (e/it) 1989
KIN | Kinesiska Tänkare; Henrikson, Alf; Hwang Tsu (sv/r)p) 88
KK | Kernel of the Kernel; Ibn Arabi (e/it) 1994
KLM | Kitab Lata$if al-Minan - Subtle Blessings ... Mursi; Shadhili (e/i)t) 06
KM | Den Kosmiska människan; Sjövall, Björn (sv/c)m) 91
KO | Knowledge of God; Shaykh al-'Alawi; Norwich '81 (e/it) 1991
KPST2 | The Key Philosophical Concepts in Sufism & Taoism; T Izutsu (e/i) Lao Tzu… 2017
KS | Knowledge and the Sacred; S H Nasr (e/im) 1996
KT | Kitab at-Tanwir fi Isqat at-Tadbir, Ibn Ata'Illah (e/it) 2011
KUWO | Kurze Worte; Nursi, Bediuzzaman Said (d/i) 1986
KW | Der König der Welt; Guénon,Réné (d/m) 1993
KWH | Knowledge and Wisdom, Imam al-Haddad (e/it) 2003
KÄVV | Koranen är Var Väg; Farah-zén (sv/if) -
LAAM | Letter To An African Muslim; al-Qadir (e/ip)po) -
LAP | Lanterns of the Path,Imam Saadiq (e/it) 1991
LAW | Lawa'ih, Jami (e/it) 1992
LDR | Life Between Death And Resurrection, R. Eklund (e/i) 0
LES | Liebe, Ehe und Sex; Hrsg. Ambassador College (d/c) 93
LHA | Literary History of The Arabs, Nicolsson (e/ihi) 1991
LIC | Die Smaragdene Vision: D.Lichtmensch;Corbin,H. (d/ip)t) 90
LIM | Lives of Man; Al Haddad (e/it) 1992
LK | Livklädnaden -som revs sönder; Almqvist, Kurt (sv/m) 1989
LL | Learning How to Learn; Shah, Idris (e/it) 1983
LM | Leben Muhammads; Ullstein (d/ihi) 66
LMA | The Lamp Of Mysteries; Ibn ʿArabi (e/it) 11
LMH | Leben Muhammads; Haikal (d/ihi) 1989
LMI | Lebendiges Mittelalter, Hrg. Hellmann, Brigitte (d/h) 1995
LNZH | Lichter für die Nacht, Zukunft heisst; Nursi, B.S. (e/i)t)p) 86
LP | Das Leben des Propheten, Ibn Ishaq; übers. G. Rotter (d/) 83
LSA | Leadership Secrets of Attila - The Hun; Roberts,W. (e/p)ps) 92
LSIS | Lessons In Islam; ed.Ashraf (e/i) -
LUF | Letters Of Umar Farooq; trnsl. Adil, H.Muhammad (e/i) 1995
LUG | Letters Of Usman Ghani; trnsl. Adil, H.Muhammad (e/i) 1995
LWS | Light On The Ancient Worlds; F. Schuon (e/i) 2000
M | Sahih Muslim Vol.I-IV (e/ih) 1990
m | " " (a) (a/ih) 1990
MAM | Mishkat al Masabih (e) (e/ih) 1985
Mam | " " (e)+(a) (a(e/ih) 1990
MAR | Blessed Virgin Mary, (e/it) 1995
M.I./VIII | Mathnawi Vol I-VIII; Rumi (e/it) 1993
MAU | Meaning of the Quran; Mauduudi, (tfs Su 2 - 4) (a(e/iq) 1986
MC | Muslim Children; How To Bring Up? trnsl.Aijiz,Z. (e/i) 1995
MKOR | Människan i Koranen; Mutahhari M (e/ip) 1986
MBIB | Muhammad in The Bible;Badawi J. (e/i)c) 1986
MBOP | Muslim Book of Prayer (e/if) 1981
MBV | Man + His Becoming Acc. To .Vedanta;Guénon R (e/m) 92
MD | Munqidh min-ad-dalal, Al-Ghazzali (d/it) 1988
MEB | Meer d Barmherzigkeit, Sh (d/it) 1993
MER | Meccan Revelations - Vol1; Ibn ʿArabi (e/i) 03
MER2 | Meccan Revelations - Vol2; Ibn ʿArabi (e/i) 06
MES | Mevlid-I Sherif,Celebis,Suleyman (sv/ipe) 86
MGT | Människans Glömda Tempel; Almqvist, Kurt (sv/m) 1988
MGU | Man,God, Universe, Taimni (e/m) 1992
MHLW | Sh. Muhammad al-Hashimi; His Life and Works; Mokrane Guezzou (e/i) 09
MHMD | Muhammad; Isl.Z.München No.7 (d/ihi) -
MIA | Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabi, A Commemorative Vol (e/it) 1993
MIAS | Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabi, en minnesbok (sv/it) 2004
MICH | Mishkat al-Anwar, Al-Ghazzali (f/it) 1983
MINH | Minhāju-l ʿAbidīn, Al-Ghazzali (e/i) 2001
MIS | Missförstånd om Islam, Qutb Muh. (sv/i) 1985
MISH | Mishkat al-Anwar, Ibn ʿArabi; (e/ih) 2003
ML | Muhammad; Lings, Martin (e/ihi) 1987
MMI | Moral +Manners in Islam; al-Kaysii, Marwaan Ibr. (e/if) 1992
MMT | Magic + Mystery n Tibet; David Neel, Alexandra (e/b)rs) 78
MN | Man and Nature; Nasr, Husain (e/p)m) 1991
MNP | Mysticism and New Physics; Talbot, Michael; (e/py) 1982
MO | Mercy Ocean (Book 2 ); al-Qubrusi, Nazim (e/it) 1981
MOD | Muhammad, Demerghen,E (d/ihi) 1987
MOLS | Mercy Ocean Lovestream; al-Qubrusi, Nazim (e/it) 1992
MOO | Mercy Ocean (Book 1 ); al-Qubrusi, Nazim (e/it) 1982
MOPP | Mercy Ocean Pink Pearls; al-Qubrusi, Nazim (e/it) 1992
MORS | Mercy Ocean Rising Sun; al-Qubrusi, Nazim (e/it) 1992
MOTA | Muhammad, Andre,T (sv(ihi) 1987
MP | Medicine Of The Prophet; Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya (e/i) 2005
MQ | Muhammad + the Quran, Zakaria,R (e/iq) 1992
MR | Muhammad, Rodinson,M (e/ihi) 1988
MRG | Métaphysique de René Guénon (f/i) 2005
MRH | Mutual Reminding & Good Manners, Imam al-Haddad (e/i) 2003
MRM | Meetings W/ Remarkable Men,Gurdj. (e/r)rs) 1987
MRS | Myths, Rites, Symbols: Mircea Eliade Reader, vol ii; (e/r)m) 85
MMIN | Muslim Minorities; Kettani M. Ali (e/iso)po) 82
MSP | Und Muhammad ist Sein Prophet; Schimmel, A. (d/ipe) 1983
MST | A Muslim Saint of 20th Century, Lings, M (e/it) 1992
MTS | The Mystical Teachings of al-Shadhili; trnsl E Douglas (e/it) 2005
MU | Man & The Universe; An Islamic Perspective; Mostafa Al-Badawi (e/i) 06
MUL | The Muhammadan Light ﷺ; From Nazim Al-Haqqani & H. Al-Haqqani (e/i) 2013
MUS | Musil von Arabien, Vorkämpfer d isl.Welt; Feigl, E (d/irs) 88
MUSS | Music and Singing; (e/if) 1992
MXO | La Métaphysique Orientale; René Guénon (f/if) 1997
MYF | Mystik Und Fasten; Buchinger (d/ig) 1983
MYT | I myrtenträdgārden; Andrae,Thor (sv/it) 1987
NAG | New Arabic Grammar, (a/lg) 1991
NAW | 40 Hadithe, An-Nawawi; (a/d) (a(e/ih) 1985
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