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188+ Fiqh Issues

Questions & Answers

G F Haddad

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{ وَمَا آتَاكُمُ الرَّسُولُ فَخُذُوهُ وَمَا نَهَاكُمْ عَنْهُ فَانتَهُوا }

{ And whatsoever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids, abstain from it } 59-7

Mostly from the now defunct sunnipath.com site (SP).

Motherlist - Posts on Fiqh Issues

- Abu Hanifa
- I Am Disabled, Skip Fajr?
- Reg. Kibr (arroganc, pride)
- Apostate wife, mother
- If Hadith Authentic, Madhhab
- Repent. for zina and drinking
- Atonement for Sins
- Ismail al Faruqi's Criticism
- Saints in Islam? Chr. concept?
- Attending a church wedding
- Jihad al-Nafs: Strive for Self-Perfection
- Seeking Allah's Pleasure
- Attributes of Allah
- Jinn, girlfriends, and faith
- Selfish Drives
- Attributes of Allah, Interpret.
- Killing of repeat drunkards?
- Sickness
- Barelwis and Deobandis
- Lingering illicit relationship
- Soul's travel out of body
- Been involved with partner
- Literalism & Figurative Interpret
- Sunna of the Turban
- Bukhari-only heresy
- Lives of Man & Imam al-Haddad
- Sunnism is respect
- Christian-Muslim Marriage
- Love for the Sahaba
- Taking the Means
- Clergy or Hierarchy in Islam
- Mahdi in hadith
- The path of illicit desires (shahwa)
- Convert with child, parents
- Majority Always Correct?
- Dawah: reg. Bible
- Marriage Muslim & Christian
- Disparities of cult
- Treatment of depression
- Desire for Good
- Mixed-sex conversation
- Trusting in Allah
- Earth and the Creation of Adam
- Molested By A Fellow Brother
- What is the Sunnah?
- Eve Created Fr. Adam's Rib
- No Prophet after me
- What To Do Ab. Roommates
- Gayness and Homosex.
- Non-Madhhabism
- Whisperings of the Devil
- Good & Evil from Allah
- Planting on graves
- ʿIsa raised to heaven
- Hijab readiness
- Recitation of the Quran
- Rule for recognizing forgeries
- Hospitality Or Overbearingness
- Reg. Following a Madhhab
--- ---
- 4th Hadith In Imam Nawawi's C.
- 72 Virgins in Paradise
- A sincere negator?
- A Student in Need of Direction
- Aʿisha and Ahl al-Bayt
- Abrogation in the Quran?
- Accusations reg. Imam al-Hakim
- Ahmadi Proposal to Muslima
- Allah helps those who seek
- Allah's Essence & Attributes
- Allowed to be a Vegetarian
- Aqida From 4 Imams?
- Banu Qurayza Mosaic Penalty
- Belief in Descent of ʿIsa (Jesus)
- Biography of the Prophet
- Christian friend believes God speaks
- Daydreaming Haram
- Death: the shore of safety
- Demonization of Islam
- Depression and Repentance
- Deviancy from Ahl al-Sunna
- Difference Non-believer & Disbeliever
- Eating of the fruit
- Family Christmas celebration
- Fasting the Day of Miʿraj
- Following another in matters of faith
- Fornicators' Fate
- Fragrant presence due to good deeds
- Giving away gifts
- Hope & Fear Perfect Faith
- How to counsel those in need
- How to respond to insulting behavior
- Husband's spiritual depression
- Imam al-Nawawi & t Spiritual Path
- Jihad al-Nafs: Spiritual Striving
- Language of Veneration Noble Companions
- Leaving prayer - disbeliever
- Marital advice
- Marital Duties
- Menstruation and reward for worship
- Muslim becomes non-believer
- Muslim woman in love with non-Muslim
- No original sin in Islam
- No Spiritual Path Without Shariʿa
- Other Rightly-Guided Caliphs?
- Pornography and the Shariah
- Prayers For Driving Away Jinn?
- Praying regularly, Back to
- Proof that the moon split in two?
- Prophet's Superiority
- Prophets Protected From Error & Sin
- Repeating sins: I feel ashamed
- Replies Reg. Hinduism
- Resurrected with the one you love
- Rules of War: Non-Combatants
- Rumi misguided?
- Saving someone else's life
- Studying Hadith under a Salafi
- Superficial demonization of Islam
- Suspicion toward daughter
- Takfir - Anathematizing
- The Origin of Sin and Death
- The Problem of Suffering
- Wives Of Believers In Paradise
--- ---
- On Fanaticism
- Quran Meaning
- Hidden Blessings
- Women, mistreated
- Ahmadi-Sunni couple Q
- Definiton: taghut
--- ---
- Athari/ Hanbali/ Ashʿari/ Maturidi Terminology
- Awliya and Qutb
- Celebrating Christmas w/ Christians
- Commemoration of al-Husayn on Ashura?
- Displaying body of the deceased
- Do Muslims Have to Give Bayʿa to an Amir?
- Donating reward of Salat
- Explaining the ruling for apostasy
- Flirting and chattering
- Forbidden Forms of Dhikr
- Greatness of the (non-)Arabs
- Hanbali ʿAqida of Sh ʿAbd al-Qadir
- Heart-Nafs-Shaytan
- Imam Malik and the Sufis
- Looking for American Imams?
- Minimum age of fetus to be called miscarriage
- Regarding Marriage and Consent
- Reply to modernist's crit. of ʿawra
- Student - Shaykh relations
- Sulayman ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab
- The Book of Allah and my Sunna
- The Qutb
- Two Sahih's Canonicity & al-Ghazali
- UK Kharijis
- Was Mariya al-Qibtiyya ever a spouse?
- What is haram is haram at all times
- Zakat funds to build mosques
--- ---
- (Alleged) stories of Walis who lost out to Shaytan
- (Are there) Rafidah narrators in ahl-al Sunna texts?
- 3 Quesions (qibla, missing in salāh, women travel)
- A Narration on the Best Trait in Women
- About Lying
- Adam And The Fruit Of Paradise
- Addendum On Prostration
- Ahl al-Sunna wal-Jamaʿa
- Ahl al Bayt (pbut) acc. to Ahl Sunnah
- Al-Bukhari, Muslim - Shia
- Al-Khilafa And Imam al-Ghazali
- Angel of death's permission hadith
- Are Arabs superior?
- Are Shi'ite Narrators of Hadeeth Relied Upon By The Sunnite ?
- Are the Sahihayn (Bukhari and Muslim) 100% Sahih?
- Are the Shia (Rafidis) disbelievers ?
- Arguing with mother
- Birth of 'Ali in the Ka'bah
- Books for the SHAF'I Fiqh
- Can a rawafid Shiah - Muslim lead the prayer?
- Can we join Jamaat behind Kabaa's Imam if not ahl as sunna ?
- chess & dice (maysar)
- Claim Made About The Sahaba (Mawlid)
- Commentaries of the Forty Hadith
- Concerning the Prophet's Knowledge of Unseen
- Conquest of Constantinople
- Contraception - Islam
- Copyright in Islam
- Correcting Others' Belief
- Could it be that an ʿAbd still hates death?
- Creating Islamic Lending Institutions
- Date And Time of Birth of the Prophet ﷺ
- Deceased non-Muslim relatives
- Definition of a mujtahid mutlaq
- Deobandi - Wahabi
- Dhikr versus Takfir
- Did the mufassiroon take from Ja'far (ra)?
- Did Umar (ra) ban women from mosque?
- Disparagement of ʿAli from the Minbar
- Divorce And Husband - Wife Relations
- Early Jumuʿa
- Food at restaurant
- Football
- Greetings of Salām
- Hadith about STDs
- Hadith of Adam (as)
- Hadith of poking with foot
- Hafsa's Qur'an Folios
- Hands At Salah (Prayer)
- Has Allah placed Arabs above non Arabs?
- Hazir And Nazir And The Divine Attributes
- Holyness
- Hoping for Khilafa
- How Allah displays His Mercy
- How To Approach Blank And Misled People
- I am leaving amongst you TWO WEIGHTY THINGS
- I made him swear by God
- If Jesus wasn't crucified, what happened?
- Inhaled bronchodilator medication breaks fast
- Insurance and Loans
- Involvement in politics
- Is Kosher NOT Halal?
- Ithnaa Asharis (upd.)
- Janaza
- Jihad & Khilafa
- Khamr, Prohibition Of
- Khomeini: Kashf al-Asrar
- Kissing a volume of the Qur'an
- Literature About Hadith Sciences In English
- Loan - zakat
- Mention some Juristic Principles & Usuli Points ?
- Miracles
- Miscarriage
- Monarchy in Qur'an and Hadith
- Mourning And Wailing
- Muhammad ʿAbduh
- Muharram
- Mujaddid Ulema
- Nafl at fajr time?
- Nifaq and splitting hearts
- Non-Hajj Sacrifice
- Non-Muslim Friends
- Oath of Wife's Right to Divorce
- On Female Scholars
- On Hajj
- On Khamr (And What Intoxicates)
- On Khatm al-Quran on the 40th day
- Oral Sex
- Paying Wages on Time
- Places of alcohol
- Plucking off eyebrows
- Problematic Hadiths And Various Questions
- Protocols of Zion
- Qiyamah Friday 10th Muharram
- Question About Belief
- Question about promises
- Question on Divorce
- Raja'ib and other prayers
- Ref. Ahlu-Sunnah sources
- Regarding: aya of purification
- Reg. al-Buti's fatwa
- Resurgence of Islam
- Sajda, An Act Of Worship
- Salāh times
- Sayyiduna Usman (ra) crown of my head
- Seek Knowledge as far as China
- Shia using Sunni sources?
- Shia/Sunni
- Should we join the Jamaat in Makka ?
- Silence in the Face of Munkar
- Some questions and advice (nasiha)
- Sources Of Islamic Law
- Studying Islam in Yemen
- Tafsir (Explanation of Quranic Verse) 4:159
- Talibaan & Idols
- Taqwiyat al-Iman on prostration
- Tatoos
- The Age of the Ulema
- The First Thing That Allah Created Was My Nur
- The Hur al-ʿAyn (Houris)
- The Position Of Yazid
- The Sunna of Collective Supplication (duʿa)
- Tolerance in Islam
- Trap of misguidance
- Traveller Status
- Trial Of The Grave
- Umm Kulthum al-Hashimiyya
- various Q & A (1) - page with titles
- various Q & A (2) - page with titles
- various Q & A (4) - page with titles
- Vest (not T-shirt)
- Wahdat-ul-Wujud
- Warning ourselves
- Wasiyya the Caliphate
- What About Praying Shoulder to Shoulder?
- What About Smoking In Islam ?
- What is Sufism?
- What is definition of "Sahabi" (Companions)?
- What is the Islamic view on democracy ?
- What Makes A Person Kafir?
- Who is a Sahabah?
- Why are the two daylight prayers done silently, others loud?
- Why are the various Fard prayers a particular number of rakats?
- Why would Allah create evil?
- Wife Beating
- Women issues
- Writing S.A.W.
- Ya Shaykh Madad (calling out)
--- ---
- Basic internal rule for recognizing forgeries
- Bin Baz and Uthaymin Books Now Banned in Kuwait
- From the Two Holy Sanctuaries
- Imam Ali in Fiqh
- Is Al-Khidr alive?
- Hadith of the Prophet saying ameen three times at the Minbar
- Hadith Mustalah cursus + Nawawi's Forty
- Narrator who is discarded
- PreIslamic Philosophers
- Provenance of this Quotation/ Is It Tribalism?
- Qualifications and Curricula for Daʿwa?
- Re: Imam Muhammad Ash-Shaybani's status as a narrator of hadith
- Regarding Anā al-dahūk al-qattāl
- Regarding Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad bin Yahya Ninowy
- Regarding Tafsir of Qur'an 8:43
- Regarding the soul of tashabbuh (resemblance)
- Self-extinction, Dhikr modalities, 'Allah, Allah'; 'Hu, Hu'
- Sheikh Ibn Baz on the Flatness of the Earth
- Status of the 12 Imams
- Stephen Schwartz..at it yet again
- The obligation to protect a life overrides all other rules
- Tibb recipe for cure of paralysis and stroke
- Verily this learning is Religion
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- Reciting Quran in the 'order of revelation'
- Re: Terrible Allegation Against Sayyidina Muawiyah (ra)
- Friend is looking for a spiritual path
- 40 Days After Death



link-in- FIQH - Islamic jurisprudence, Questions & Answers
link-out- More answers by Sh Gibril F. Haddad on eshaykh
link-out- eshaykh.com Entry page


* Living Islam – Islamic Tradition *