
Free Palestine!

Some Pages on Palestine/ Zionism

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May Allah bring victory to Palestinians and all those who stand up against Jewish supremacism!

"Free Palestine" is neither a call for genocide, nor a call for mass slaughtering Jews, in the way 'Isra-l' is doing with Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. A free Palestine means free for everyone, not just some.
Choseness is not entitlement!
Choseness is no permission to break the 10 Commandments brought by Prophet Musa (pbuh).

Had it been my Palestinian grandfather standing-up to this Zionist occupier, I would not be more proud of him.

= One Man One Vote! = Equality before the law: Palestine for all of its inhabitants on an equal basis: Muslims, Christians, Jews and others.

Nobody denies Jewish presence in the land how ever many thousand years ago.
What we deny is that it means it's *their land now*, and that they have the right to dispossess people that were already there.

Nader 🍉, Apr 15, 2024

When Allah (God, G-d) promised the Banu Israeel the land of Palestine 3 or 4000 years ago, He did so under the condition of humility and justice, not pride and destruction.

Allah (may His Majesty be exalted) says:

{ قَالَ لَا يَنَالُ عَهْدِي الظَّالِمِينَ }

{My covenant include not the evil doers.} 2-124

Right now we demand an immediate cease fire![1]
STOP all incursions, harassment and illegal killings in the West Bank!

Why Isra-l and not Israel? [2]

Focus on the Following Pages

What really happened on Oct 7, 2023 - 3 pages
Part A  Part B  Part C 

Part A - the first page in this series.
Part B & C - more info, and
Part C - continuously updated, inshaAllah.

Also visit these 4 pages:
P 1  P 2 
R A  H P 

P1 - Social Media on Livingislam
P2 - Invoke the Genocide Convention
R A - Truth about Rape Allegations (on Oct 7 2023)
H P - Hasbara, State Propaganda from the Zionist Entity

Latest 58 texts on Livingislam.org

latest update 2024-05-09

- Christians in Palestine, harassed, and spit upon by Jewish supremacists in the Zionist state of Isra-l, 2024
- Lunatic Jewish Rabbis With Increasing Influence Over Isra-lic Society
- 013_Those who professes "unshakeable" support for Israel
- 012_Zionism Is a Perversion of Judaism
- 011_Alas for Gaza Our Loss of Moral Certitude
- Israel is a terrorist organization.
- 010_Beautiful Ahadith to act on immediately
- 009_Evidence of Foreknowledge of October 7, 2023 (Al-Aqsa Flood)
- 008_Gaza: Starve or Leave! & Israel’s Moral Dilemma
- 007_October 7th and the Dawning of a New Age for Muslims
- The Israeli Manipulation of Consciousness re: the Occupation
- The Bible's punishment for people's wickedness
- What do journalists do during a genocide?
- Quran Verse 21-25
- Debt Cancellation and Economic Parasites
- Israel’s systemic annihilation of knowledge of Palestine
- They Want to Destroy TikTok - Guess why!
- The time of Germany lecturing others is over.
- A New Definition of Extremism
- Time for sanctions on Israel!
- The richest, most powerful countries in the western world…
- Systematic attacks on hungry people in Gaza by IOF
- What is NATO?
- Examples of Fake Isra-l Propaganda
- Misinterpreting Quranic Verses
- The Israeli With Zero Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax
- When I Was an IDF Soldier
- Does the EU stand for democracy, human rights values?
- Our goal is to stop the genocide, Al Ansar (Houthis)
- The Western/ Israel scandal to stop UNRWA!
- Germany on the Wrong Side of History - Again!
- Stop Asking Us About Hamas! When a Genocide Is Happening!!
- Each day … in Gaza – Isra-l at the ICJ
- Rape Allegations from Israel Hasbara
- Hasbara - State Propaganda from the Zionists
- Regarding the US Empire, And Why We Care
- What really happened on Oct 7, 2023
- On what really happened on Oct 7 (C)
- In an endless war on terror, we are all doomed to become Palestinians
- We Demand Your Emancipation From the River to the Sea
- Gaza 2023: How many more of us have to die?
- Each day … in Gaza – Isra-l at the ICJ
- Palestinians are still paying the price for Western racism
- Uncovering the Hypocrisy of US Empire Leaders
- The Zionist apartheid state of Israel must be dismantled
- A genocide is under way in Palestine
- Examples of Fake Isra-l Propaganda
- Why does Isra-l intentionally kill journalists?
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter
- The Racists Revenge until Extermination
- This is Palestine before the settler colonial occupation of Israel
- We are all Gaza – Dr. Mats Gilbert
- For centuries, Jews have lived peacefully in Palestine
- Israel war crimes
- It’s not about Self-Defense!

Pages on Palestine/ Zionism @ Livingislam.org

[ Incl. Mahiyya blog, a.o. from occupied Palestine! 2017/2018]

112 Texts on Palestine & Zionism

Latest AT TOP - 2024-02-29 18:02

- The Israeli With Zero Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax
- When I Was an IDF Soldier
- Our goal is to stop the genocide' Al Ansar
- The Western/ Israel scandal to stop UNRWA
- Germany on the Wrong Side of History - Again!
- Stop Asking Us About Hamas! When a Genocide Is Happening!!
- Each day … in Gaza – Isra-l at the ICJ
- Rape Allegations from Israel Hasbara
- Palestinians are still paying the price for Western racism
- Judaism and the Talmud
- Hasbara - State Propaganda from the Zionist Entity
- Regarding the US Empire, And Why We Care
- On what really happened on Oct 7 (C)
- In an endless war on terror, we are all doomed to become Palestinians
- We Demand Your Emancipation From the River to the Sea
- Uncovering the Hypocrisy of US Empire Leaders
- Gaza 2023: How many more of us have to die?
- Zionist Jewish supremacy and its roots in the Talmud
- Groups take UK government to court
- Legal Actions Regarding War-Crimes and Genocide
- The Zionist apartheid state of Israel must be dismantled
- Speak to Pro-Israelis destroying symbols
- You kill Christians, where is Hamas?
- A genocide is under way in Palestine
- Another Massacre by Isra-l Ethnic Cleansing Forces
- Media ignores evidence of Israel’s actions Oct 7
- What really happened on Oct 7, 2023 (B)
- Why Isra-l and not Israel?
- STOP Isra-l mass violence and further escalation
- Examples of Fake Isra-l Propaganda
- The Official Story Of October Seventh
- Why does Isra-l intentionally kill journalists?
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter
- We want peace and we don’t like wars
- STOP Isra-el killing babies in Gaza
- What really happened on Oct 7, 2023
- Nobody Starts out as a Supporter of a Genocidal Bombing Campaign
- Rain is the property of the 'Israel' authorities
- How Zionist Israel forces pornography on Palestinian children
- The Racists' Revenge until Extermination
- This is Palestine before the settler colonial occupation of Israel
- We are all Gaza – Dr. Mats Gilbert
- For centuries, Jews have lived peacefully in Palestine
- There is no limit to Israel's desire to murder Palestinians
- Why Israel Is Bent on Violent Retaliation
- This is a text-book case of genocide
- Children toddlers Gaza hospital ICU
- Zionist Israel Criminal Cruelty (2)
- On the attacks by Palestinians (Hamas) on Isra-l
- Selection(a) of Posts Palestine-Gaza 2023-10-15
- Selection(b) of Posts Palestine-Gaza 2023-10-15
- Isra-l war crimes
- Intention to prosecute UK government officials for their approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict
- It’s not about Self-Defense!
- The Sharia Rule Re: Other Places of Worship
- Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' recent speech
- The EU does not have the moral spine to condemn the State of Israel
- The Cruelty of the Supermensch1
- Tumultuous Week at Al-Aqsa Mosque
- Images from Palestine
- What took Amnesty International so long to report on Apartheid?
- Die deutsche Sektion von Amnesty weigert sich
- Palestine
- Israel military and settler-thugs target Palestinian schoolchildren
- Germany: an Induring Enemy of the Palestinian Struggle
- Mossad Ran 9/11 Arab "Hijacker" Terrorist Operation
- Palestine Is Not A Quagmire
- Not Reaching Home From the Grocery - Israel Shooting Children
- Stealing-Water---Not-Thieves
- The Principle Of Separation At The Heart Of The Jewish Religion
- The remarkable disappearing act of Israel's car-bombing campaign in Lebanon - Excerpts
- 033_The-Israeli-Government-Role-in-Promoting-Islamophobia-Internationally
- 020_Israels-Ongoing-Judaization-in-Palestine-Crime
- News Logg
- Palestinians' Right to Self-Defense
- Videos And Comments About The Palestinian Struggle 2021
- Defending Humanity in Palestine and Everywhere! pt.3
- Defending Humanity in Palestine and Everywhere! pt.2
- Defending Humanity in Palestine and Everywhere! pt.1
- Israel burns books and bombs bookshops!
- Explaining t Israel-Palestine 'Conflict'
- Defending the Rights of Palestinans, Sarah's Timeline
- How the Discourse on Zionism Has Been Rendered Perilous
- Zionism Has Nothing to Do with Judaism
- Videos On Zionism, Palestine, Israel 
- Part 1 of The GreatReturnMarch 2018
- Part 2 of The GreatReturnMarch 2018
- The Truth about Judaism and Zionism
- Stop Zionism!
- Zionism & Events oF 2014
- Zionism & Israel Links
- Gaza 2008/9
- Some Facts About Zionist Israel
- Statistics On Palestine, Israel
- Israel Shahak On Jewish Fundamentalism
- Quotes On Zionism
- No To Jewish Racial Exclusivity!
- Journalist Robert Fisk about criticizing Israel
- Zionism & Background Info For #Gaza 2014
- Zionism, Israel And Its Breaches oF International Law
- Zionism, Gaza & Mediadistortions 2014
- Palestine Resistance 2017 - photos
- Zionism, Palestine & Israel FAQ
- Zionism tweets01 2014
- Zionism tweets02 2014
- Zionism tweets03 2014
- Zionism tweets04 2014
- Zionism tweets05 2014
- Zionism tweets06 2014
- Record01 Of Some Original Tweets - On The Assault On Gaza 2014_01
- Record02 Of Some Original Tweets - On The Assault On Gaza 2014_02
- 9/11urls: look for evidence of Zionist involvement in 9/11!
- Bryt belägringen av Gaza!


GO TO - IMPORTANT POSTS @mahiyya.wordpress.com For Following Texts:

- Example of Israel’s Propaganda & Diversion Operations (HASBARA) 20180507
- Remembering the Israeli Slaughter of Gaza 2014 (3/3) 20180305 – bit.ly/_risg3
- Remembering the Israeli Slaughter of Gaza 2014 (2/3) 20180305 – bit.ly/_risg2
- Remembering the Israeli Slaughter of Gaza 2014 (1/3) 20180305 – bit.ly/_risg1
- Video: Today They Took My Son 20180304 – bit.ly/_tttms
- Some of Those 100s of Children Arrested by Israel Army 20180303 – bit.ly/_scaia
- Israel Uses Continuous Detention of Palestinians 20180303
- Palestinian Children Are Abused Under Israeli Military Detention – bit.ly/_pcauimd
- Israeli Army Routinely Kills the Unarmed 20180228 – bit.ly/2ow15CN
- More on Mohammad Tamimi (2) 20180303
- How Israel treated Mohammad Tamimi 20180228 – bit.ly/2GSsAxk
- Children in Palestine: ’Problem’ for Zionist Occupiers pt.2 Jan 7, 2018
- When They Needed Palestine! Jan 6, 2018
- Twitter & Facebook for Zionist Apartheid State Jan 6, 2018
- EU Europe, What Are Your ’Values’? Jan 6, 2018
- Children in Palestine: ’Problem’ for Zionist Occupiers pt.1 Jan 6, 2018
- Heroine of the World: Ahed Tamimi pt.2 Jan 6, 2018
- Heroine of the World: Ahed Tamimi pt.1 Jan 6, 2018
- Shooting People in Wheelchair – Cowards Jan 6, 2018
- Justice For Jewish Victims, but None for Victims of Jews Dec 23, 2017
- 17 Israeli Zionist Apartheid Soldiers Against 1 Palestinian Youth Dec 11, 2017
- Israel Launched the 1967 War Dec 11, 2017

Gaza 2023, ethnic cleansing by Isr*el


  1. Right now we demand an immediate cease fire!

    We demand an end to all forms of oppression and discrimination from the Isra-l- state, and we demand from our own countries (US, EU…), institutions and corporations to end their complacency and divest from their support for the supremacist settler regime, and instead follow the implementation of international law scrupulously!

    People from 3 religions and non-religious people can live side-by-side and people have done so for a long time in history.

    You Jews who defend the land & house theft, the occupation and the supremacism/ racism of Zionists, stop being paranoid about Muslims, Christians, Arabs, Ethiopians and others - - you are conditioned by a deviant interpretation of Judaism and by Zionist state education & propaganda!

    Equality: Palestine for all of its inhabitants on an equal basis: Muslims, Christians, Jews and others.

    When God promised the Banu Israil the land of Palestine 3 or 4000 years ago, He did so under the condition of humility, not pride and destruction.
    Allah (may His Majesty be exalted) says:

    {My covenant include not the evil doers.} 2-124

    ø Isra-l's policies are those of apartheid, repression & gross human rights violations.
    @johnbradysf 2021-07-20

    ø Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing, and Occupation, are ALL inherently violence, and the Palestinians have been subject to it since even before 1948. Ongoing. Unabated.
    Media describes periods as "calm" and "peaceful" bc Isra-lics aren't inconvenienced. It's bullshit.
    @ruskhat 2021-07-03

    ø Three (and many more!) #Palestinian families were forced by Isra-l to demolish their own homes in east #Jerusalem, while #Isra-lic settlers set up mobile homes at new locations in the West Bank, or move into Palestinian homes, when the inhabitants are on a funeral!

    ø Isra-lic settlements amount to 'war crime': UN expert https://t.co/n5ifV78pS4 via @AJEnglish,
    @Cioccolata234 2021-07-16

  2. It has to do with EL in the word IsraEL. Why Isra-l and not Israel?
    To repeat: the Jewish supremacist state of Israel has to be dismantled, it is the system of Zionism and messianic, deviated Judaism, which is which has to be neutralised. One man one vote.


* Living Islam – Islamic Tradition *