![]() |
{Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made because they are oppressed (were wronged), and indeed Allah is well able to assist them (to give them victory);} Sura The Pilgrimage 22, v.39
The purpose of these pages is to remind us outside Gaza and to create some kind of record of the crimes of the state of Israel on Gaza 2014. We are sick and tired of their deceptive (media) tactics to the outside world and their uncompromising and violent oppression inside (on the occupied lands of Palestine). We are even more angry at (most of) the Western politicians, who are either too coward or too stone-hearted to condemn Israel’s atrocities. This cannot go on! We updated this page with twitter tweets and some videos after - as we wrote on July 9th, 2014 - the so-called false-flag kidnapping had been orchestrated. This page is meant to serve as some (sporadic) kind of record of the Zionist war crimes inflicted on the people they are bound to - as occupation force, and by international law - protect! But they are supremacists and racists, they destroy and kill the other. |
The root of this conflict is not religious!
Read more about the difference of Judaism and Zionism [here].
12. | Tweets After The Cease Fire | 2014-08-23--31 | [LINK] |
11. | Tweets After The Assault | 2014-08-14--17 | [LINK] |
10. | Tweets After The Assault | 2014-08-06--10 | [LINK] |
- | From 10.: --- after different ’cease fires’ | ||
09. | Tweets During The Assault | 2014-07-30--06 | [LINK] |
08. | Tweets During The Assault | 2014-07-29--30 | [LINK] |
07. | Tweets During The Assault | 2014-07-28--29 | [LINK] |
06. | Tweets During The Assault | 2014-07-26--27 | [see below] |
05. | Tweets During The Assault | 2014-07-24--25 | [see below] |
04. | Tweets During The Assault | 2014-07-23--24 | [see below] |
03. | Tweets During The Assault | 2014-07-21--22 | [see below] |
02. | Tweets During The Assault | --2014-07-21 | [see below] |
01. | Before The Assault On Gaza 2014 - Background Info* | [see below] |
A. | Videos | [see below] | |
B. | Audios | [see below] | |
C. | Short Quotes - Deception & Provocations To Attack | [LINK] | |
More Pictures: | 2014-08-06--10 | ||
D. | 8 Pics On The Assault On Gaza | 2014_01 | [LINK] |
E. | MORE Pics On The Assault On Gaza | 2014_02 | [LINK] |
xL =broken link 2020-10-03: https://w.soundcloud.com
MP George Galloway speech at yesterday's demonstration opposite the Israeli Embassy in London, 2014-07-13
xL =broken link 2020-10-03: https://w.soundcloud.com
#Gaza 2014, Sharif Abdel Kouddous_20140724 on Democracy Now. Situation in Gaza is very bad. #Isr will not succeed!
xL =broken link 2020-10-03: https://w.soundcloud.com
Lift the siege!
Palestinian PM Rami Hamdallah pleads for the siege and blockade imposed by the Zionists and Egypt in 2007 to be lifted. 20140723
xL =broken link 2020-10-03: https://w.soundcloud.com
Song Asfa Asfar K Gibran, Le Trio Gibran Palestine
Jamila Hanan (@JamilaHanan) tweeted at 6:01 PM on Wed, Jul 23, 2014: Make sure to watch with sound up if you want to understand the horror families are living through now in #Gaza https://t.co/wZRJlSV4St
161. capt. 20140726 14:45 SST=UTC+2 ===
Scarlet Wilde @wilde · 2h
Back in 1878, the land of #Palestine had Jews, Christians, Muslims working, living, praying side by side. Each to his own. Each equal.
160. capt. 20140726 14:46 SST=UTC+2 ===
Tingnett @Tingnett · 51m
@ShaimaZiara Before God takes care of them, lets help bring them to justice: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/404/557/017/trial-the-tel-aviv-regime-for-war-crimes/ … Sign, share, & RT.
159. capt. 20140726 15:01 SST=UTC+2 ===
The New Yorkers @TischNewYorkers · 4h
Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik: The Jewish people have suffered many plagues, the strongest of them all is Zionism...
158. capt. 20140726 15:01 SST=UTC+2 ===
Shaima' Ziara ✌ @ShaimaZiara · 4h
Ambulances and people are still not allowed to enter Khuza'a although "a humanitarian ceasefire" is supposed to be ongoing!
157. capt. 20140726 15:01 SST=UTC+2 ===
Noah Browning @sheikhNB · 4h
Gaza refugees stream back into Beit Hanoun in #Gaza, only to find that their homes have been destroyed, lives ruined
155. capt. 20140726 15:03 SST=UTC+2 ===
Mark Bishop @itsmarkbishop · 11h
If, once every hour, your government purposely killed a child what would you say?
154. capt. 20140726 15:03 SST=UTC+2 ===
Maureen Murphy @Maureen_70 · 15h
READ ----> The Gaza massacre is the price of a “Jewish state” by @AliAbunimah http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/gaza-massacre-price-jewish-state … via @intifada
153. capt. 20140726 15:05 SST=UTC+2 ===
Gregg Carlstrom @glcarlstrom · Jul 25
Prayers outside of the old city as Palestinian men under 50 barred from Aqsa for the fourth Friday in a row.
152. capt. 20140726 15:12 SST=UTC+2 ===
Sara Hussein @sarahussein 3h
The devastation in #Gaza is astonishing. Macabre scenes with limbs extending out from the rubble. Entire blocks flattened.
151. capt. 20140726 15:12 SST=UTC+2 ===
Kenneth Roth @KenRoth Jul 25
"I saw no evidence during my week in Gaza of Israel’s accusation that Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields": BBC http://trib.al/Py5cukn
150. capt. 20140726 15:13 SST=UTC+2 ===
Raنa @RanaGaza 11m
Total boycott must be enforced on Israeli academic institutions which lend support to Gaza massacre http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-universities-lend-support-gaza-massacre … via @intifada
149. capt. 20140726 15:18 SST=UTC+2 ===
thefrankoutlaw @thefrankoutlaw 10m
@Belalmd12 when I first saw the pictures this morning I thought I was looking at Sabra & Shatila 1982. But no, it's Gaza 2014 #ISupportGaza
148. capt. 20140726 15:22 SST=UTC+2 ===
Shibley Telhami @ShibleyTelhami 50m
Israel has admitted that it was NOT Hamas who kidnapped the 3 teens, the killers were acting as a 'lone cell' with no affiliation to Hamas
Taliho @talhadata 2h
• @Sumi_hasan I believe all this was planned by zionist so they could start a war with Palestine to take over the land
• OmarKN @OmarKN 43m
@talhadata @Sumi_hasan yes, this appears to be the Master Plan!
146. capt. 20140726 15:41 SST=UTC+2 ===
Tamer El-Ghobashy (@TamerELG) tweeted at 0:09 PM on Sat, Jul 26, 2014:
The UN school yard in Beit Hanoun where 16 died is littered with razor sharp metal shrapnel. http://t.co/76sNzEm6u3
145. capt. 20140726 22:36 SST=UTC+2 ===
The New Yorkers @TischNewYorkers 13m
Name and shame the politicians who support the terrorist state of Israel #GazaUnderAttack
144. capt. 20140726 23:36 SST=UTC+2 ===
Attila Somfalvi @attilus 1h
I hear from the US that Israel has a green light to destroy the tunnels and finish the job.
143. capt. 20140726 23:47 SST=UTC+2 ===
Belal - Gaza @Belalmd12 1h
This is Beit Hanoun hospital, it had the same fate as European Gaza hospital, Al-Aqsa hospital and Al-Durra hospital.
142. capt. 20140726 23:56 SST=UTC+2 ===
F. @Palestinianism 1h
IDF took over a Palestinian residential building just outside of Khuza'a, east Khan Younis. Anyone walking towards building is shot at. #Gaza
141. capt. 20140727 12:04 SST=UTC+2 ===
Naomi Wolf @naomirwolf · Jul 21
Israel using flechette shells in Gaza theguardian.com
140. capt. 20140727 12:18 SST=UTC+2 ===
Norman Finkelstein @normfinkelstein · 6h
What Triggered The Current Massacre?
139. capt. 20140727 12:20 SST=UTC+2 ===
Shaikhspeare, Affad @socalmoslem · 9h
this is the ultimate real #RUGLIFE After Israel bombed the masjed in Gaza.. Only Gaza... #PrayForGaza
138. capt. 20140727 12:21 SST=UTC+2 ===
Max Keiser @maxkeiser · 11h
As I've stated many times before, I quit my BBC show because of their standing edict that I could not mention Israel in any context.
137. capt. 20140727 12:22 SST=UTC+2 ===
Mohamed Elhariri @MGMHariri · Jul 22
#WeAreN Hashtag Stands In Solidarity With Iraqi Christians Under Attack http://huff.to/1A2FQaE @MFrancoisCerrah
136. capt. 20140727 12:27 SST=UTC+2 ===
Musa Furber @musafurber · 2h
Definitely a must read:
Israel-#Gaza conflict: Secret report helps Israelis to hide facts | The Independent http://j.mp/1zhTRjj
135. capt. 20140727 12:29 SST=UTC+2 ===
Gregg Carlstrom @glcarlstrom · 2h
The Saudis are worried that Kerry wants to use a Gaza truce to "strengthen the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood." http://aawsat.com/home/article/146716 …
134. capt. 20140727 12:30 SST=UTC+2 ===
#WakeUp! @Hariri_1987 · 1h
Israel is digging its grave, lost the internet war & will fall miserably sooner or later! Deep in my heart I never had any doubt about that!
133. capt. 20140727 12:30 SST=UTC+2 ===
#WakeUp! @Hariri_1987 · 2h
"When I was born, there was NO #Israel", a fantastic lecture by @AlisonWeir; the founder of http://IfAmericansKnew.org http://youtu.be/U1jcWqNcRvs
132. capt. 20140727 12:31 SST=UTC+2 ===
Belal - Gaza @Belalmd12 · 1h
• We've had enough of Israel counting how many calories we can get.
• Enough humiliation on the borders.
• Enough being treated as terrorists!
• We've had enough drinking water that is basically sewage.
• We've had enough living on donations.
• Enough of unemployment rates above 40%!
• The world needs to comprehend that Gaza has had enough siege and it's not going back to that.
• We've had enough power shortages up to 60%!
131. capt. 20140727 12:33 SST=UTC+2 ===
Murtaza Ali Shah @MurtazaGeoNews · 1h
Israel is addicted to occupation, Gideon Levy, author of Punishment of #Gaza, speaks about the current bloodshed http://tns.thenews.com.pk/israel-addicted-palestinian-occupation/ …
130. capt. 20140727 12:36 SST=UTC+2 ===
#OpIsrael @Op_Israel 3h
#BREAKING: British extremist Jewish terrorist @LTCPeterLerner announces his terrorist army is ready to kill more civilians. #ICC4Israel
128. capt. 20140727 12:39 SST=UTC+2 ===
Hatem Bazian @HatemBazian · 25m
A great talk by Max Blumenthal at SF demo for Free Palestine and solidarity with Gaza:
San Francisco: http://youtu.be/Xc7PrYk_fOw via @YouTube
127. capt. 20140727 12:39 SST=UTC+2 ===
Richard C. Schneider @rc_schneider · 2h
if this is correct, and there's no reason to doubt BR, then: Wow! http://www.haaretz.com/mobile/.premium-1.607332?v=3AB70A172CE96761671E1E0AC73F54CC … #fb
126. capt. 20140727 12:40 SST=UTC+2 ===
Tamer El-Ghobashy @TamerELG · 6h
Here is our attempt to reconstruct the UN school massacre, using survivor accounts. http://online.wsj.com/articles/a-moment-of-hope-in-gaza-followed-by-disaster-1406318918 …
A Palestinian man holds a girl injured in an Israeli shelling at a UN-run school sheltering Palestinian refugees. (Reuters, Finbarr O’Reilly)
124. capt. 20140727 12:40 SST=UTC+2 ===
Tingnett @Tingnett · 10h
@ShaimaZiara Before God takes care of them, lets help bring them to justice: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/404/557/017/trial-the-tel-aviv-regime-for-war-crimes/ … Sign, share, & RT.
123. capt. 20140727 12:41 SST=UTC+2 ===
Omar Bin Hafidh @habibomar · Jul 22
يا رب في أهل غزة وسواهم يُرينا أعداؤك قدرتَهم عليهم، فإنا نستنقذُك، وإنا نستنصرُك، وإنا نسترحمُك، وإنا نستغيثُك
فأرِنا قدرتَك فيهم
يا الله
122. capt. 20140727 13:02 SST=UTC+2 ===
Steven Salaita @stevesalaita 9h
Anybody who says "both sides are to blame" is implicitly blaming the Palestinians. #Gaza
120. capt. 20140727 13:04 SST=UTC+2 ===
Dave Hampton @carboncoach 2h
This is a BRILLIANT Open Letter to David Cameron. By @MedicalAidPal
I've signed. Please will you? Millions will....? [map-uk.org] - expired link (before 2017) -
119. capt. 20140727 13:07 SST=UTC+2 ===
Diana Alzeer @ManaraRam 1h
In #Gaza a genocide, a Nakba and a war on a besieged population today is day 20th! Ppl w/ no homes and nothing but their prayers & fear
118. capt. 20140727 13:08 SST=UTC+2 ===
Steven Salaita @stevesalaita 12h
There's been much said about inaccurate reporting on #Gaza, but too little analysis of the brazen racism that defines the Zionist narrative.
117. capt. 20140724 ===
Emily @maitlis' face hearing @MarkRegevPMO excuses about #Gaza deaths is one many of us share: Israel's Mark Regev grilled on Gaza school deaths - Newsnight - YouTube
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRfNRQblXbs) - Watch the whole interview here @YT
Thanks Emily for being 1 of the very few journalists to pose the right questions:
So you knew there were children inside the school, and you killed them?
116. capt. 20140724 ===
#MalakaMohammed @MalakaMohammed 3h
"Went to the street without consciousness. Horrifying scenes of destruction. Walked to the exit town, but helicopters opened fire #Khuzza
115. capt. 20140724 ===
Mariam Abuamer. @Octane0 52s
Another close blast just heard in my neighborhood! #GazaUnderAttack #AJAGaza
114. capt. 20140724 ===
#MalakaMohammed @MalakaMohammed 3h
• "I saw a mom carrying a child in a hand & raised a white flag in the 2nd. Her son died. She put the white flag on him then continues #Khuzza
• "In front of my eyes landed small child she was carrying his mother's hand and the second hand-raise a white flag." #Khuzza
• Snipers were targeting people in their feet in an attempt to prevent them from escaping" #Khuzza
• "We found the body of my uncle and his son lying in the street next to their house." #Khuzza
113. capt. 20140724 21:29 ===
#MalakaMohammed @MalakaMohammed 3h
"And the army (and fragments of shells) targeted water tanks on rooftops. Children wept with us even fainting because of thirst" #Khuzza
112. capt. 20140724 21:29 ===
Shaima' Ziara @ShaimaZiara 30m
اليهود اللي مش عارفين يرجعوا "اسرائيل" شايفين انه مصيبة انهم "مشردين" وهما قاعدين بالفنادق!
بس بيشردوا الفلسطينيين بالعراء دون مشكلة!
111. capt. 20140724 21:31 ===
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah 29m
109 Palestinians slaughtered today by US-backed Israeli butchers in Gaza - AJ Arabic
110. capt. 20140724 21:31 ===
Democracy Now! @democracynow 36m
Read: "Overcoming the Media Blockade in #Gaza." By Amy Goodman http://owl.li/zyaGX
109. capt. 20140724 21:32 ===
Eileen O'Sullivan @eosull 1h
The Time For Saying Both Sides Are Equal Is Over': http://www.broadsheet.ie/2014/07/24/the-time-for-saying-both-sides-are-equal-is-over/ … via @broadsheet_ie Trevor Hogan; @Belalmd12 @JamilaHanan
108. capt. 20140724 21:33 ===
Yousef Munayyer @YousefMunayyer 2h
Shorter @IDFSpokesperson : ”We aren't denying we hit the UN school but if we did don't blame us.”
107. capt. 20140724 21:45 SST = UTC+2 ===
Richard Engel @RichardEngel 3h
UNRWA had been coordinating with Israel to evacuate families from school when strikes happened. Israel knew location, UNRWA chief says
106. capt. 20140724 21:48 SST=UTC+2 ===
Dan Rivers @danieljerivers 2h
My report on school attack is now online - warning it is tough viewing. #Gaza
105. capt. 20140724 21:49 SST=UTC+2 ===
Gaza Update:
797 dead
>5300 injured
4303 houses totally destroyed
>10,000 Tons of explosive have been used
103. capt. 20140724 21:58 SST=UTC+2 ===
occupiedpalestine @occpal 1h
To all twats that keep voicing about 'hamas rockets' They have the RIGHT to use AND stash as many as they want! #LAW http://tl.gd/n_1s2jn43
102. capt. 20140724 22:08 SST=UTC+2 ===
Norman Finkelstein @normfinkelstein 1h
- expired link (before 2023-02-01) normanfinkelstein.com/2014/ …at-a-time-of-war-it-is-permitted-for-the-people-who-are-attacked-to-punish-the-enemy-population-with-measures-such-as-blocking-supplies-or-electricity-and-to-shell-the-entire-area → Rabbi: “In the case of Gaza, it would be permitted for the Minister of Defense to even order the destruction of all of Gaza…”
101. capt. 20140724 22:09 SST=UTC+2 ===
OccPal-Gaza @OccPalGaza 1h
Many places being hit right now- Rafah, Khan Younis, Gaza City etc as people make their way to mosques for night prayers. 919pm
100. capt. 20140724 22:09 SST=UTC+2 ===
Hatem Bazian @HatemBazian 1h
Gaza announcement to the world from rectors of 117 universities http://www.turkeyagenda.com/gaza-announcement-to-the-world-from-rectors-of-117-universities-940.html … via @Turkey_Agenda
98. capt. 20140724 22:42 SST=UTC+2 ===
Norman Finkelstein @normfinkelstein 2h
• - expired link (before 2023-02-01) normanfinkelstein.com/2014/ atrocious-as-much-of-the-israeli-bombing-campaign-of-gaza-has-been-it-is-hard-to-imagine-israeli-forces-deliberately-trying-to-kill-ismail-bakr-9-and-his-three-cousins-ahed-10-zakariya-10-an → Such diabolical talk would not be heard in any other nation. …
• MAD DOGS http://normanfinkelstein.com/2014/mad-dogs/
96. capt. 20140724 23:23 SST=UTC+2 ===
The New Yorkers @TischNewYorkers 6m
Heavy clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli terrorists in Hebron. A new Intifada #Gaza
95. capt. 20140724 23:25 SST=UTC+2 ===
Shaima' Ziara @ShaimaZiara 30m
• IDF just called my house, it was a recorded message:
"You have seen what we have done in Shuja'eyya & Kuza'a, and how we fought Hamas +
"We warned the people living there and whoever refused to leave and got killed was the resposibility of Hamas. We have warned+
94. capt. 20140724 23:26 SST=UTC+2 ===
Pierre Krähenbühl @PKraehenbuehl · 48m
• Fourth time in past days that @UNRWA school struck by explosive projectiles. Today’s tragedy again illustration that no one in Gaza is safe.
• I condemn this callous shelling of our #Gaza school in the strongest possible terms and call for an immediate investigation.
• My heartfelt sympathy 2 the affected families in #Gaza. Children have lost parents and parents r burying their children. Unimaginable pain.
• Extent of suffering in #Gaza is unbearable. As casualty numbers rise, calls for IHL respect may sound futile. Yet are critically important.
93. capt. 20140724 23:32 SST=UTC+2 ===
Gaza: Is this a war on children? | Channel 4 News
92. capt. 20140724 23:32 SST=UTC+2 ===
PIT BECKER ARTwork @paintmyblues 39m
"Gaza: Is this a war on children? | Channel 4 News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z4TvDbffI0&list=UUTrQ7HXWRRxr7OsOtodr2_w … " v @YouTube
91. capt. 20140724 23:39 SST=UTC+2 ===
FWC @FWCorruption 54m
@ShaimaZiara some clash photos taken - occupation forces have killed about 3 - injured 40. But that won't stop them! pic.twitter.com/iiIuK8Y9xj
90. capt. 20140724 23:43 SST=UTC+2 ===
Shaima' Ziara @ShaimaZiara 1h
Why can't you understand that even "if" Israeli claims of human shields were true, they still can't bomb them knowing that 10s of civilians would die!
89. capt. 20140724 23:44 SST=UTC+2 ===
Democracy Now! @democracynow 1h
"I have a friend who is going to jail on Monday for refusing to enlist in the Israeli army." -Yonatan Shapira http://owl.li/zypLj #Israel
88. capt. 20140724 23:45 SST=UTC+2 ===
Jehan Alfarra @palinoia 1h
It collapsed like a house of cards, destroying all the dreams and erasing all the memories. #Gaza
87. capt. 20140725 09:56 SST=UTC+2 ===
Roosha @TheRoosha · 20h
Und immer noch spricht #Deutschland von Antisemitismus? Echt?
Danke @ZDF
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaZgBryMExc …
#Gaza #EU #UN #USA #Israel #Africa #Asia
86. capt. 20140725 09:57 SST=UTC+2 ===
Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon · 6h
Gaza, Israel and 'Human Shields':
By Sarah GillespieWhat does it mean to use human shields? Employed by the G... bit.ly/1pOyNLD
85. capt. 20140725 09:57 SST=UTC+2 ===
Maha Rezeq @GazaInAndOut · 7h
#Qalandiya-- where thousands tried crossing to #Jerusalem. #IOF murdered 2 & injured 270 others. #PalestineResists
84. capt. 20140725 10:00 SST=UTC+2 ===
Joe Catron @jncatron · 6h
Israeli Forces Invade Azzun and Use Palestinian Civilians as Human Shields bit.ly/1tHXYCf via @imemcnews
83. capt. 20140725 10:00 SST=UTC+2 ===
Maher Azzam @MaherAzzamm · Jul 15
• There is no excuse to kill children and civilians.
• No one loves terrorism, but we all love resistance.
And resistance is not terrorism.
Save Gaza Kids
82. capt. 20140725 10:04 SST=UTC+2 ===
blueskylady @blueskylady_au · 6h
Zionism already has control of our Government, our media, our industry. Don't let it take root in your throat too. #StandUpforGaza
81. capt. 20140725 10:04 SST=UTC+2 ===
mahmoud Hrebat @hrebat · 7h
الشهيد محمد الاعرج استشهد قبل قليل في مواجهات #مسيرة48ألف
80. capt. 20140725 10:07 SST=UTC+2 ===
Abby Martin @AbbyMartin · 8h
I debunk Israel's #Hasbara propaganda machine & show how the government uses social media to legitimize murder: bit.ly/1pfKSL4 #Gaza
79. capt. 20140725 10:17 SST=UTC+2 ===
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah · 8h
• The collaborationist Abbas PA will always try to do its job: to co-opt and destroy any popular mobilization against Israeli tyranny.
• Israel army slaughters Palestinian kids then says it's investigating itself. How many times have we heard that story? http://nbcnews.to/Ur9SEj
78. capt. 20140725 10:17 SST=UTC+2 ===
Richard Engel @RichardEngel · 9h
• Palestinian father says his 6 kids were blown away like scraps of paper when shells slammed a UN run school in #Gaza http://nbcnews.to/Ur9SEj
• UNRWA says: first strike was in school playground. People moved to the classrooms. then classroom struck. coming up @NBCNightlyNews
77. capt. 20140725 10:18 SST=UTC+2 ===
Tamer El-Ghobashy @TamerELG · 2h
At least three strikes in last 30 minutes or so in Gaza City. Sabah el...
76. capt. 20140725 10:18 SST=UTC+2 ===
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah · 2h
Latest EU statement on Gaza reeks of cowardice and dishonesty bit.ly/1pf62X4 via @intifada
75. capt. 20140725 10:22 SST=UTC+2 ===
Sharif Kouddous @sharifkouddous 1h
Under fire in Gaza, and not a drop to drink - great piece by @kristenchick on Gaza's water crisis http://m.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2014/0724/Under-fire-in-Gaza-and-not-a-drop-to-drink-video …
74. capt. 20140725 10:26 SST=UTC+2 ===
Poppy Mathobela @PopMathobela 1h
People all over the world show global solidarity with #Gaza.
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/OflkqHjnsa
73. capt. 20140725 10:28 SST=UTC+2 ===
Tamer El-Ghobashy @TamerELG 53m
Here's @NYTBen's strong account from survivors of the UN school attack in Gaza. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/07/25/world/middleeast/despite-talk-of-a-cease-fire-no-lull-in-gaza-fighting.html?ref=todayspaper&_r=0&referrer= …
72. capt. 20140725 10:29 SST=UTC+2 ===
blueskylady @blueskylady_au 53m
Israel has kicked out foreign journalists, all but killed the mobile network, shut down electric. They do not want you to see what they do.
71. capt. 20140725 10:29 SST=UTC+2 ===
Charlotte Lindgren @PolygL8 1h
@MajedAbusalama This madness has to stop. Israel outrages the conscience of mankind with its barbarous acts & contempt of human rights
70. capt. 20140725 10:29 SST=UTC+2 ===
William Booth @BoothWilliam 53m
UN, from Ban Ki Moon down, say Israel never gave them window to evac UNRWA school.
69. capt. 20140725 10:30 SST=UTC+2 ===
Chris Gunness @ChrisGunness 4h
My profound indignation over our school in #Gaza persists. We must not lose our sense of outrage. That is 2 surrender 2 the logic of war RT
68. capt. 20140725 10:30 SST=UTC+2 ===
Aisha @eyeshabaig 44m
اللهم انصر كل مظلوم على عدوه
May God grant victory to every oppressed person over his enemies!
67. capt. 20140725 10:32 SST=UTC+2 ===
Democracy Now! @democracynow 4h
Decrying "Brutal Operation In Our Name," Israeli Military Reservists Refuse to Serve http://owl.li/zyxDx #Gaza
66. capt. 20140725 10:32 SST=UTC+2 ===
Haraam Police @saadabdulhai 33m
About 50 minutes ago 50 000 Palestinians are marching to Al Aqsa. Thus far 3 have been injured. Please keep them in their prayers.
65. capt. 20140725 10:34 SST=UTC+2 ===
Dr.Bassel Abuwarda @DrBasselAbuward 5m
A paramedic Has been killed by Israeli army during performing his duty in saving people's lives here in #gaza
64. OmarKN (OmarKN) on Twitter
• JewishVoiceForPeace @jvplive · 2014-07-22 ≈ 20:53 UTC
Growing list of celebrities speak out on #Gaza in social media https://storify.com/jvplive/celebrities-speak-out-on-gaza … Let us know who we missed!
• Democracy Now! @democracynow · 2014-07-23
"Unimaginably Catastrophic": As Gaza’s Displaced Top 100,000,
Israel Reportedly Shells U.N. School http://owl.li/zs1q3 @UNRWA
• Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah · 7h
BBC World Service news talked about cancelation of flights to Tel Aviv but didn't trouble listeners with news about the massacres in Gaza.
• Isra Elaila |#Gaza @IsraElaila · 8h
No electricity,no water,no connection ∓ non-stop artillery shelling
this's the condition of Khoza'a in eastern #KhanYounis
• Shaima' 6092065 @ShaimaZiara · 2014-07-23
The Red Cross is not allowed to go through Khoza'a, and IOF shoots intensively whenever ambulances get close!
• Mohammed Omer @Mogaza · 6h
again Shejaia is under attack by F16 missiles. terrifying night that seems not to end!
• Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah · 6h
Any Israeli soldier can refuse to participate in Israel's massacres of Palestinians.
Any who go, go willingly.
• Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah · 6h
Every time cowardly "IDF" gets a beating from the resistance they take it out on civilians - the Dahiyeh Doctrine.
63. mad floridian @madfloridian 2014-07-22 ≈ 20:53 UTC
Holocaust survivor speaks out for Gaza. Amazing statement. @just_standing2
62. Joe Catron (jncatron) on Twitter
Joe Catron @jncatron · 8h
If you haven't read Mahmoud Darwish's "Silence for the Sake of #Gaza," there's no better time. bit.ly/1rIlWwS
61. Joe Catron (jncatron) on Twitter
Joe Catron @jncatron · 10h
Al-Shijaiyya Massacre bit.ly/1o7ziCA @SarahSalibi #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack
60. Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah 7m
Gaza civil society leaders reject claim Hamas uses them as "human shields," say no return to "living death" of siege
59. blueskylady @blueskylady_au 2014-07-23 ≈ 08:00
Ask yourself
#auspol #gaza
58. Gaza Writes Back @ThisIsGaZa 6m
My wife texted me that her brother(my best friend) Osama, grandfather and cousin were bombed dead in their house. 8 family members she lost
F. @Palestinianism 42m
Air Canada has canceled its trips to Tel Aviv. Excellent
56. The New Yorkers @TischNewYorkers 50m
Face-to-face heavy fighting between Palestinian resistance fighters and Israeli troops near Jabalia. Some Israelis have been killed #Gaza
55. Guess what @Farah_Gazan 5h
My 6 yrs old sister has witnessed 3 wars! #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack #GazaUnderFire #PrayForGaza
54. FriendsOfSabeel–NA @fosnalive 2014-07-22 ≈ 07:00 UTC
Our representatives [= politicians] are not hearing us: they voted to support the invasion of #Gaza.
Call and express outrage. http://fb.me/6os22M7f8
53. Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah 2014-07-22 ≈ 07:00 UTC
Gaza's Al-Aqsa hospital latest medical facility to be bombed by Israel | @mogaza
middleeasteye.net …
Several patients killed in the hospital!!!
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52. The New Yorkers @TischNewYorkers 2014-07-22 ≈ 06:00 UTC
• We have the right to examine the history of Jews and criticize Jewish ideas and practices. There is no superior race. We're equal #Gaza
• We must condemn the anti-Semitic laws because the Zionist terrorists use them to threaten the critics of Israel #Gaza
51. Khaled Bey @KhaledBeydoun 2014-07-22 ≈ 04:00 UTC
Tokyo lights up in support of #Gaza.
Beautiful display of solidarity.
50. Democracy Now! @democracynow 2014-07-22 ≈ 04:00 UTC
.@MaxBlumenthal: With "Hollow Diplomacy,"
U.S. Created Political Space for Israeli Assault on Gaza http://owl.li/zpQi8
49. Dr.Bassel Abuwarda @DrBasselAbuward 2014-07-22 ≈ 07:00 UTC
This is how much western media is corrupted !
[They switched the word Palestine with Israel, so Americans will think this destruction happened in Israel!!]
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48. Alexander Marquardt @MarquardtA 2014-07-21 ≈ 21:00 UTC
Holes in #Gaza's al Aqsa hospital after #Israel tank shells hit it. Military said it was targeting rockets nearby.
47. Worldbulletin @worldbulletin ·2014-07-21 ≈ 21:00 UTC
Gaza doctor to Obama: Do you have a heart?
http://www.worldbulletin.net/headlines/141064/gaza-doctor-to-obama-do-you-have-a-heart …
46. Lotte Leicht @LotteLeicht1 2014-07-21 ≈ 22:00 UTC
If #EU wants to prevent civilian suffering, it shld tell #Gaza conflict parties that war crimes wont get a free pass & help PA ratify #ICC
45. Majed Abusalama @MajedAbusalama 2014-07-21 ≈ 20:00 UTC
Israel is bombing hospitals,
family homes,
telephone lines,
power lines,
water pumps and dispensers,
civil defense department
44. Majed Abusalama @MajedAbusalama
It is not about #Hamas at all/ Yes,They want to kill #Palestinian humans as much as they can !! STOP THE INSANE Massacre!! #GazaUnderAttack.
43. ICRC @ICRC · 14h
Under international #law, all parties have an obligation to respect and to protect medical personnel, ambulances and facilities. #Gaza #IHL
42. Dr.Bassel Abuwarda @DrBasselAbuward · 13h
100 Palestinian killed today&CNN lies saying 100 Israeli killed today!
this is new form of TERRORISM
41. Kenneth Roth @KenRoth · 21h
Grim life-and-death decision: Where do you flee as Israel massively fires into the "open-air prison" of Gaza? http://trib.al/E5j8Xjz
40. Dr.Bassel Abuwarda @DrBasselAbuward · 14h
Innocent smiles between the destruction in #Gaza
We teach life SIR
39. The New Yorkers @TischNewYorkers · 11h
Another photo from Chicago: Protest against Israel's terrorism #Gaza
38. The New Yorkers @TischNewYorkers · 11h
See what David Ben-Gurion says about Israel's real intention... #Gaza
37. Petition To The British Government End The Mass-Killing, 2014-07-22
36. Third hospital in Gaza hit 2014-07-21
35. Jewish man reverts to Islam live on air for Gaza!
Watch "Jewish man reverts to Islam live on air for Gaza!" Published on Jul 18, 2014
34. Netanyahu: 2014-07-21
xL =broken link 2020-10-04: https://w.soundcloud.com
33. Welcome to Palestine @airflotilla2 2014-07-21 02:11
As a former Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany, I am ashamed of what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. #Gaza
32. DiaaMahmoud @DiaaMahmoud 2014-07-21 13:22 UTC
Insane shelling on Bureij and Maghazi camps , at least 10 missiles per minute fall on the boths camps. #Gaza
31. Sharif Kouddous @sharifkouddous 2014-07-21 15:39 UTC
One member of Abu Jamaa family was cut in half. Father had to visit 2 hospitals to collect body. Half went to one hospital & half to another
30. Ali Abunima @AliAbunimah 2014-07-21
A short play:
- 6 yr old: Daddy, why is Israel killing kids?
- Because it's a democracy but only within the green line
29. HEAVIEST bombshells hitting #Gaza now!
Mohammed Omer @Mogaza 2014-07-21 14:14 UTC
- this is really the heaviest airstrike ever! #Gaza is under constant bombing now!
- Another tank shell hit Aqsa hospital... doctors need ambulance to take them to another hospital
- NOW ! #Israeli F16s bombed Al Aqsa hospital in Deir el Balah now! several are injured, no where to take them. #gaza
28. Norwegian member of parliament calls for boycott of #Israel
Middle East Monitor @MiddleEastMnt 2014-07-21
Norwegian member of parliament calls for boycott of #Israel over its #Gaza offensive http://shar.es/NR59n #BDS
27. Oxfam International @Oxfam 2014-07-21
RT @oxfamopti: #Gaza: 481 dead, 3130 wounded (most civilians). 100,000+ people fled homes. Water supply for 1.2 million people damaged
26. Mohamed Husein Qadri @MHuseinQadri 11h
The Greatest Permanent Way To Boycott Israel - Moulana Kalim Al-Azhari
25. Remember 2009
Sherine Tadros reporting during ”the operation Cast Lead” 2009
mosques, schools and homes, even UN building shelled and hit
The War Around Us captures the collision of two friends and colleagues as they witness and cover one of the most disturbing wars of our time. As missiles shower down on Gaza and unspeakable atrocities…
23. The New Yorkers @TischNewYorkers · 2014-07-21
- The American citizens who fight the Palestinians aren't terrorists, but the Muslims who fight in #Syria are terrorists!!! #Gaza
- I don't listen to those so-called peace activists who want Israel to stay in #Palestine. Israel is worse than the apartheid in SA #Gaza
- Our hypocritical politicians are worried about "polar bears"!! Don't they see Israel's crimes in Jesus Christ's homeland?
- +46 million Americans live in Poverty and our hypocritical, coward politicians say "we pledge to protect Israel's security"!! Psychos #Gaza
- Instead of talking about "rise of anti-Semitism", Jewish communities must make it clear that Israel is a criminal colonial state #Gaza
- We must rebuff the unscientific claim that there is a superior, homogenous race called "Semitic"! We're in the 21st century...!! #Gaza
- What would you do if this woman was your mother or sister? Where are the advocates of women's human rights? #Gaza
22. Chris Hedges speech about Gaza, from about 2009
A must-watch 7-minute speech by Chris Hedges (American academic), powerful and thought-provoking, the reality and oppression of Palestinians.
"This video is private", but it may be online elsewhere.
21. Want to see how media is dodging for Israel?
Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) tweeted at 7:56 PM on Sun, Jul 20, 2014:
I discuss Israel's assault on Gaza and US media coverage with @DannySchechter the News Dissector:
20. Is This Fighting Hamas?
Erin Cunningham (@erinmcunningham) tweeted at 7:12 PM on Sun, Jul 20, 2014
Israel begins ground invasion of Gaza http://t.co/avI1CyBXuR TIME photo slideshow of the onslaught's deadliest day.
19. Fighting all the Palestinian people
Said Shoaib سعيدشعيب (@saidshouib) tweeted at 10:30 PM on Sun, Jul 20, 2014:
Escape from the Israeli massacre in eastern #Gaza ..
See how this mother trying to save her son..
#GenocideinGaza http://t.co/2VVODNQFH5
18. The New Yorkers (@TischNewYorkers) tweeted at 8:23 PM on Sun, Jul 20, 2014
Israel is a racist regime of occupation, apartheid and sociocide #Gaza http://t.co/PJGtyq9qn0
17. Rachel Michelé Green (@MissRMGreen) tweeted at 5:09 PM on Sun, Jul 20, 2014
A protest in Denmark is happening right now. 420 coffins laid out in a city square.
#FreePalestine #GazaUnderAttack http://t.co/fdTJPMBO5X
16. Stephen Hird (@hirdstephen) tweeted at 3:52 PM on Sun, Jul 20, 2014
Traumatised children sit in #Gaza hospital. Their mother had just been killed and their house destroyed. #c4news
15. ”We are not the enemy of the Palestinian people.” Israel
Janis Mackey Frayer (@janisctv) tweeted at 2:17 PM on Sun, Jul 20, 2014
#Gaza health ministry says 60 killed overnight in Shejaiyya. Toll bound to rise as medics able to reach more bodies. http://t.co/TXfWpRfaa2
14. Gilad Atzmon (@GiladAtzmon) tweeted at 11:34 AM on Sat, Jul 19, 2014
Living in a Jewish 'Democracy'
No, it is not about occupation or 1967 (as the Jewish Left’ suggests). There ... http://t.co/0RazpVkOcN
13. Democracy Now! (@democracynow) tweeted at 7:20 AM on Sat, Jul 19, 2014
#Israel Bombs the Only Rehab Hospital in #Gaza: Staff Forced to Evacuate Paralyzed Patients After Shelling http://t.co/P9otB3WZmq
12. Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) tweeted at 8:06 PM on Fri, Jul 18, 2014
Here's the @democracynow segment @sharifkouddous & I did on the NBC/@AymanM situation - w/video & transcript http://t.co/XFsGApSh6C
11. Jamila Hanan (@JamilaHanan) tweeted at 1:55 PM on Fri, Jul 18, 2014
#TerroristsIsrael killed these boys parents in Gaza http://t.co/4HytnNXE0n
O'God, leave no suppressor alive on the face of earth..Amin
10. BIG NEWS: South Africa's ruling ANC in Parliament Calls for Israeli Ambassador to immediately leave South Africa.
09. OmarKN @OmarKN Jul 18
#Zionists emulatg #Hitler: #Ayelet Shaked, MP: "Mothers of all #Palestinians sh also be killed." = a call f genocide! #TerroristsIsrael
08b. OmarKN @OmarKN Jul 18
It's not about rockets, not even about Hamas, but bloody greed for land / ever more and more. #TerroristsIsrael
veteranstoday.com …
08. OmarKN @OmarKN Jul 18
#TerroristsIsrael Where are "our" politicians? In which cave a they hiding? What is in their heart? Stones? Women rights?
07. End the Occupation (@US_Campaign) tweeted at 7:30 PM on Thu, Jul 17, 2014
NBC News Pulls Veteran Reporter from Gaza After Witnessing Israeli Attack on Children http://t.co/0IF6N055CG
06. Chris Doyle (@Doylech) tweeted at 5:17 PM on Thu, Jul 17, 2014
My blog - What would you do if rockets were being fired at your cities and towns? Well not the following #Gaza
This is the question Israeli spokespeople keep on asking.
But let's look at what a strategy should not have included:
05. Ketil Steigen (@KSteigen) tweeted at 5:31 PM on Thu, Jul 17, 2014:
Mads Gilbert på jobb. Et bilde som sier mer enn 140 tegn.
04. Saira Waraich (@SairaWaraich) tweeted at 2:30 AM on Wed, Jul 16, 2014:
TV show host AbbyMartin rips apart pro-Israel media bias | Weapons of Mass Distraction - thank you @AbbyMartin #gazaunderattack
03. Israel/Palestine 101
Watch this short, historically accurate animated introduction to Israel-Palestine 101:
02. ”Despite the disproportionality of the brutality, the establishment media continues to distort the truth by painting Hamas as the sole aggressor.”
Going Conscious (@goingconscious) tweeted at 4:57 PM on Sun, Jul 13, 2014
MUST READ ARTICLE western media distortions of Israeli brutality against Palestinians, by the great @AbbyMartin
(http://t.co/MuKQCuoGOG) Video unavailable
This video is not available in your country
Why Doesn't the Media Care About Dead Palestinians? Abby Martin
01. fatima (@fatimammk_) tweeted at 1:54 AM on Sun, Jul 13, 2014
THIS is how Muslims should respond.
In this case against the hateful Zionist
latest update 2025-01-06 1446 AH
- US doctors say they witnessed ‘crimes beyond comprehension’ – Gaza
- Deutsche Medien mitschuldig am Völkermord an den Palästinensern
- Isra-l murders the best and the innocent
- 024 Getting a clear look at Isra-l
- 023 You Will Not Erase Us! No Matter How Many of Us You Kill
- Who is Prophet Muhammad?
- 019 Ignorant, Brainwashed, Journalists - Too Many
- 022 The Caliphate Delusion
- 021 Omarkn’s Timeline on X.com
- Participation in non Muslim-majority Societies
- How is the world letting this go on!
- 018_In the Coldness of The Systematic Post-Morality
- To You Who Remain Silent
- The population of Gaza is at risk of dying in a genocide
- Summary of October 7, 2023 and thereafter
- If you still don’t know what Zionism is…
- Israel threatens to kill six more Palestinian journalists
- Acquiring Knowledge
- Glimpses(1) Timelessness and Emergent Creation
- The West has created a Frankenstein monster
- The Five Bifurcations of Western Thought and Religion
- Observations on the world we live in
- Om Islam i landet Sverige
- The Isra-lic Occupation is illegal and must end immediately
- Gaza - One Day in September 2024
- 015_La ilaha illallah - No god, except the One God
- How Israel Walked Into the Trap of Hamas
- Capital and oppression
- German Redemption Theology (short)
- On The Adab of Marriage
- On the Isra-lic Hannibal Directive Killing Its Own People!
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter (2)
- Why UAE is Killing Muslims in Sudan (with U.S. support)
- Life in Palestine before the Nakba (1948)
- Christians in Palestine, harassed, and spit upon by Jewish supremacists in Isra-l
- Lunatic Jewish Rabbis With Increasing Influence Over Isra-lic Society
- 013_Those who professes "unshakeable" support for Israel
- 012_Zionism Is a Perversion of Judaism
- 011_Alas for Gaza Our Loss of Moral Certitude
- Israel is a terrorist organization.
- 010_Beautiful Ahadith to act on immediately
- 009_Evidence of Foreknowledge of October 7, 2023 (Al-Aqsa Flood)
- 007_October 7th and the Dawning of a New Age for Muslims
- The Israeli Manipulation of Consciousness re: the Occupation
- The Bible’s punishment for people’s wickedness
- Israel’s systemic annihilation of knowledge of Palestine
- The time of Germany lecturing others is over.
- A New Definition of Extremism
- Time for sanctions on Israel!
- Systematic attacks on hungry people in Gaza by IOF
- Misinterpreting Quranic Verses
- The Israeli With Zero Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax
- When I Was an IDF Soldier
- Does the EU stand for democracy, human rights values? NO
- Our goal is to stop the genocide, Al Ansar (Houthis)
- The Western/ Israel scandal to stop UNRWA!
- Germany on the Wrong Side of History - Again!
- Rape Allegations from Israel Hasbara
- Regarding the US Empire, And Why We Care
- On what really happened on Oct 7 (C)
- In an endless war on terror, we are all doomed to become Palestinians
- Palestinians are still paying the price for Western racism
- The Zionist apartheid state of Israel must be dismantled
- Examples of Fake Isra-l Propaganda
- Why does Isra-l intentionally kill journalists?
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter
- For centuries, Jews have lived peacefully in Palestine
- Israel war crimes
- It’s not about Self-Defense!
- Recommended external Pages - relevant for the Ummah