This is a thread from:
Exposing Shari Mendes: The Israeli With Zero
Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax by Mr N @DontFollowMrN; 2024-02-02
[Also thanks to threadreaderapp!]
NB Atrocities were committed against Isra-l civilians on October 7.
However, it has been proven that 98% of Isra-l propaganda is a heap of disgraceful lies - serving their genocidal project.
If you still believe their disgraceful, fake stories (while Isra-l commits torture against Palestinians), you should check out other sources or do grow potatoes.
□ comment: This is what people do for money, for a couple of shekel.
These and other lies empowered the genocidal Israel war machine to bomb, kill and starve tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians in Gaza!
However, the evil-doers will pay for what they earned, partly already here and especially in the Here-After!
• Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it.
Jonathan Swift, 1710
□ comment: watch her closely, her body gestures, her voice, when she tells what supposedly happened on October 7, because now we know, it's all fantasy, scripted by the Isra-l propaganda machine.
□ comment: at first, she says "I have seen", then several times later she replies "our team has seen" (this, and that). Who in her team has seen exactly what?
Of course, there were dead people, but in a situation like this on October 7, who would busy himself to cut off women's legs?
And while we are listening to this BS, the bombing and killing of innocent civilians in Gaza, and the West Bank is continuing:
This is the real intention of manufacturing consent: to divert attention from what is really happening.
What really happened on October 7, see oct7c oct7b oct7a
Source: Exposing Shari Mendes: The Israeli With Zero Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax by Mr N @DontFollowMrN; 2024-02-02
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-last modified: 2024-02-18 11:38 +0100 (LT is ahead of UT)