Edit OmarKN
What do we know about empires, their rise, culmination and eventual fall?
Presented are explanations, policy descriptions for the events in West-Asia ("Middle East") 2023/24.
إنّ اللّٰهُ يَرْفَعُ بِهذَا الكِتابِ أقْواماً وَ يَضَعُ بِهِ آخَرِيْنَ
The Prophet ﷺ (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him!) said:
Allah will raise with this book (al-Qur’an al-Karim) some nations; and He (Allah) will cause the fall of some nations with this book (i.e. when they abandon its laws and teachings).
Sahih/ Sound hadith, Muslim no. 817[2]
E0 Genocide Joe & his neocon cabal very pleased
E8 Time, and Justice, Are on the Side of the People 2024-12-12
E7 25 items/ posts about the US empire.
E6 Truth About The Latest U.S. Strikes On Iraq & Syria
E5 The US have killed countless people around the world
E4 US warns Yemen to stop support for Gaza Palestinians
E3 US 'White House' regarding Hamas/ Isra-l News
E2 Step by Step the US is implicated in Zionist warcrimes.
E1 Since 2006 (video), bloodthirsty Isra-l got worse.
item0 ==
Genocide Joe very pleased (for the moment) with having Isra-l defending democrazy and inhuman rights - while killing for the empire.[4]
Sign the petition to push other countries - apart from RSA - to follow their lead to bring Isra-l to the ICC (via the ICJ)!
Dr. Mads Gilbert wrote:
On the first day of 2024, allow me to ask you, president Biden: are you proud & happy watching your personal New Year gift to THE PEOPLE, the human people, of Palestine? And please, as you watch, don’t forget to watch the more than 22.000 murdered and 56.000 wounded, the millions starving, the thirsting, the willfully diseased, the orphaned, sheltering millions you made, the hundreds of corpses of killed health care workers and journalists and and and- all of this thanks to your unyielding, teflonized and sinister support of ISrael with the brutest of US arms, the unconditional billions of your taxpayer’s dollars, all the massive lies - and oh! not to forget - with your good, warm heart, Joe.
Dr.Mads @DrMadsGilbert
item E8 ==
The US has systematically captured, corrupted, cowed, or crushed every government in the MidEast that opposed the imposition of its racist Israeli settler colony in their midst, defended their natural resources, or asserted their right to self-determination.
Only Palestine, a defiant Iran, a devastated Yemen, and half of Lebanon remain outside their imperial yoke. But the people of the region overwhelmingly despise US imperialism, oppose Israel, demand self-determination, and support a free Palestine. And the US empire is fading.
In the long term, the US-Israel-Saudi web of oppression will be broken, the corrupt regimes will fall, Zionism will be dismantled, and the people of the region will secure their human rights. Today, the bombs are on the side of the oppressor. But time, and justice, are on the side of the people.
- - responding to the OP - -
The United States and Israel are two entities that, act as destabilizing forces, threatening global peace and stability. Their actions often leave a trail of destruction and chaos wherever they intervene.
item E7.26 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 10:34 ==
URL @RnaudBertrand
Putin obviously would say this, but that doesn't mean he's wrong: it's painfully obvious to anyone paying attention, and I think Europeans are slowly realizing it (finally).
De Gaulle said it best: "The truth is that the Americans will end up being hated by everyone. Even by their most unconditional allies. All the dirty tricks imagined by the Americans are contradicted by events." (quoted by his confident Alain Peyrefitte in "C’était De Gaulle")
François Mitterrand also said it: "France does not know it, but we are at war with America. Yes, a permanent war, a vital war, an economic war. Yes, the Americans are very tough, they are voracious, they want undivided power over the world. It is an unknown war, a permanent war, seemingly without deaths and yet a war to the death..." (quoted by Georges Marc Benamou in "Le dernier Mitterrand")
Jun 15, 2024
- - responding to: - -
Putin: “The main threat to Europe is not Russia, but USA”
🇺🇸🇷🇺🇪🇺🚨‼️ “The main threat to Europe is not Russia, but USA”
— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) June 14, 2024
Ouch pic.twitter.com/3aqckkvTZV
item E7.25 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 10:35 ==
URL @Kahlissee
BREAKING: United States CENTCOM Chief Gen. Michael Kurilla was in Israel while the hostage rescue and Al Nuseirat Massacre in Gaza were going on.
Here he is, sitting with the Israeli Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, all the while the Al Nuseirat Massacre in Gaza was going on - complicit in warcrimes!
Evidence of US complicity in the Genocide keeps piling up.
Jun 11, 2024
For example, there are reports that United States Air Force offices where together in the war room with Isra-lic offices for "target acquisition". If this is not complicity then what is?
item E7.24 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 10:38 ==
URL @JamesconwayIND
This dossier describes the role of the United States in the plotting of the coup against Chile.[12]
What's happening to Palestine is what happens to any nation that chooses Freedom and Independence from the Western White Supremacist Establishment's domination. They dealt likewise with Cuba, Vietnam, Yemen, Venezuela, and sabotage many other to keep them poor & subservient.
Jun 10, 2024
item E7.23 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 10:40 ==
URL @swilkinsonbc
The 2,600+ flights of 800 Israeli, 150 British & 110 US spy planes, plus 590 munitions cargo flights | it’s a global war on Gaza | they are #traitors
item E7.22 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 10:44 ==
URL @DanMKervick
Americans are just like Israelis. They are so brainwashed by their society’s self-congratulatory sense of supremacy that they can’t grasp the possibility that they live under an evil system, or that they, themselves have become evil people.
May 22, 2024
(Although all governments are capable of and prone to evil,) some are much worse than others. The US is a globe-spanning empire that has been on a murder rampage for three quarters of a century.
item E7.21 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 10:47 ==
URL Palestine Deep Dive
item E7.20 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 10:54 ==
URL @_starkrealities
George Washington warned against “passionate attachments” to foreign countries — and politicians like Stefanik who sacrifice the interests of their own country in service to those favored nations:
"The nation which indulges towards another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest."
"[A passionate attachment] gives to ambitious, corrupted or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation) facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country without odium [disgust], sometimes even with popularity."
- - responding to the above - -
The term the US is "isolationist" is coined by the Brits to drag the US into overseas adventures that they wanted. They have been successful in that with WW1 & WW2.
The US must seriously review it's special relationship with Israel and the Perfidious Albion.
item E7.19 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 10:59 ==
URL @caitoz
What’s happening in Gaza SHOULD radicalize you. It absolutely should.
Right now, even as its own criminality hits fever pitch, the western political-media class is fretting with increasing shrillness about young people getting “radicalized” and turned against their government by the spread of information and ideas at campus demonstrations and on TikTok.
But young people should be radicalizing right now. Everyone should.
When you see Israel rejecting a Hamas ceasefire and beginning its long-threatened assault on Rafah (the last so-called “safe zone” in Gaza), that should radicalize you.
When you see US senators assist…
Continue reading The Destruction Of Gaza SHOULD Be Radicalizing People
item E7.18 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 11:03 ==
URL @caitoz
Empire Managers Explain Why This New Protest Movement Scares Them
The US secretary of state and a Bilderberg surveillance tech oligarch have both made some very interesting admissions about the burgeoning protest movement against the US-backed slaughter in Gaza and the problems it poses for the empire they help run.
During a vitriolic rant about university demonstrators at the Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security on Tuesday, Palantir CEO Alex Karp came right out and said that if those on the side of the protesters win the debate on this issue, the west will lose the ability to wage wars.
For those who don’t know, Palantir is a CIA-backed surveillance and data mining tech company with…
cont. reading
Empire Managers Explain Why This New Protest Movement Scares Them
item E7.17 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 11:06 ==
URL @b_tella
In case u are American and wondering wtf is going on - here is a quick summary
In 1961 Eisenhower gave a farewell speech warning about the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex.
He knew they could get so powerful they completely submit the will of the American people and the globe.
He was right.
The Military Industrial Complex quickly grew into the Military congressional media intelligence industrial complex completely pre occupied with subjugating most of the globe.
When JFK became president he meant…
cont. reading
"In case u are American and wondering wtf is going on
JFK’s War Against the Military Industrial Complex – The Future of Freedom Foundation[10]
item E7.16 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 11:10 ==
URL @caitoz
People express bafflement that the US would back a genocide in the Middle East knowing that it will radicalize the region against them, mistakenly thinking this goes against US strategic goals.
Uh, have you been asleep the last quarter century? Have you not seen how the US empire uses the radicalism caused by its military violence in the Middle East to justify more military expansionism in the region, leading to more military violence?
That's what the so-called "war on terror" has been about. The data unmistakably shows that US-led military interventionism in the Middle East in the name of fighting "terrorism" actually leads more people to join US-designated terrorist organizations, because nothing will radicalize you against the US and its allies like watching them murder and displace your loved ones right in front of you. But the interventionism continues anyway. Why? Because the resource-rich Middle East is a crucial geostrategic region for planetary domination, and the US empire wants to have an expanded military presence there.
It's actually a brilliant self-reinforcing scam. It works like this:
Step 1: Murder people in the Middle East in the name of fighting "terrorism".
Step 2: This causes people to hate you and your allies and to want to retaliate with violence.
Step 3: Designate these people "terrorists".
Step 4: Send more war machinery to the region to go fight "terrorism".
Step 5: Murder more people in the Middle East in the name of fighting "terrorism".
Do you see how this cycle would repeat over and over again, leading to more and more US military expansionism in the Middle East? That's exactly what we've been seeing, and it's exactly what the US empire wants. 11:41 PM · May 13, 2024
- - responding to the above - -
Eman was born during the war, lost her dad when she was 20 days old ! She is struggling to thrive with lack of access to food for her mom and baby formula for her. She hopes the world would give her the same kindness they would give a sea turtle or mountain lion or a stray cat. https://gofund.me/d17ad434
item E7.15 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 11:34 ==
URL @BowesChay
The USA, with a massive 800 Military bases across the Globe, most outside of its Sovereign territory
Is telling you that the Russians, who control the largest land mass on Earth, with less than 20 foreign military bases, is an "Imperial power".
Someone's lying to you.
item E7.14 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 11:38 ==
URL @RaniaKhalek
The whole world is watching the U.S. and you know what they see?
They see police who look like stormtroopers surrounding and arresting students protesting genocide.
People in other countries, especially the global south, are aware how horrible and hypocritical the U.S. is, but this is so extra.
America looks almost as ridiculous as it actually is.
Apr 25, 2024
item E7.13 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 11:39 ==
URL @RealScottRitter
The U.S. currently has 24-hour satellite coverage of Gaza.
The resolution of the images produced is good enough to discern individual humans.
The U.S. has complete coverage of all communications by the IDF in Gaza.
We saw them murder the Palestinian prisoners.
We heard them give the orders.
Our silence makes us complicit.
After Auschwitz we said “never again.”
We used that horror to justify the creation of Israel.
And now Israel has turned into that which the world then condemned.
We must all condemn Israel today.
And we must send Zionism to the place we sent the Nazis.
Apr 23, 2024
item E7.12 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 11:43 ==
URL @RnaudBertrand
More than anything, what this 👇 confirms is the fundamentally nihilistic vision the US now has for the world, and for its place in the world. Which is the very reason why it's currently losing out. Let me explain.
To sum up, what we have here is the US:
- Funding 2 active wars, one which already wiped out an entire generation of military-age males and the other one which turned into a genocide, with most victims being women and children. And in both wars not only is the U.S. making no genuine attempt to end them (except, which is the same, saying they can only end with total capitulation of the other side): as this "aid" package proves, it's fueling the fire.
- Laying the groundwork for a 3rd war in Taiwan by inundating an island they officially recognizes is part of China and officially say they "don't support independence" for... with weapons against China.
- Banning a social media platform that they believe is making young Americans question the wisdom of their country's warlike nature.
In short: war, war, war and pro-war censorship. That's the vision that transpires from this.
I often go back to the words of George Kennan… / cont. reading
- - responding to: - -
• Potential TikTok ban
• $60.8 billion for Ukraine
• $26.4 billion for Israel
• $8 billion for Taiwan
It now goes to the Senate.
Apr 20, 2024
item E7.11 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 11:45 ==
URL @omarsuleiman504
7 months into the genocide in Gaza, and the Zionist lobby's chokehold on Congress is so suffocating that 85% of Congress voted yes to sending over $26 billion more to Israel to continue its mass slaughter.
Apr 20, 2024
item E7.10 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 11:48 ==
URL @ecomarxi
The “rules-based international order”
👇 Apr 20, 2024
Over the past ~20 years, US and allied air forces have dropped more than 337k bombs and missiles on other countries.
That's an average of 46 attacks per day.
Every single day.
For 20 years.
And they think they get to decide who the terrorists are?
item E7.9 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 11:50 ==
URL @BowesChay
Blinken complains about China "assisting Russia with its military industrial base"
Meanwhile, the US ships weapons to 57% of the world's "Autocracies", it sells more weapons than Russia, China and India combined, and has killed 12 million human beings since the end of WW2.
Apr 19, 2024
item E7.8 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 11:52 ==
URL @RnaudBertrand
There's rarely been a more extraordinary military failure as "operation prosperity guardian", it's almost unbelievable.
Think about that: an operation announced by Lloyd Austin in December as a broad coalition of the US Navy, the Royal Navy, the Royal Australian Navy, the Royal Bahrain Naval Force, the Royal Canadian Navy, the Royal Danish Navy, the Finnish Navy, the Hellenic Navy, the Royal Netherlands Navy, the Royal New Zealand Navy, the Royal Norwegian Navy, the Republic of Singapore Navy and the Sri Lanka Navy...
against... Ansarallah [the Houthis].
At the time the Pentagon was all gung ho, officially telling Ansarallah: "They really need to ask themselves if they've bitten off more than they can chew".
And turns out, they hadn't! 3 months later the "prosperity guardian" coalition is suing for peace and offering an extraordinary array of concession, including "lifting Yemen's siege entirely, repairing the damages, removing foreign forces from all occupied Yemeni lands and islands, and removing Ansarallah from the State Department’s ‘terrorism list’".
Ansarallah, undeterred, say they will "continue operations as long as Israeli aggression against Gaza persists".
Genuinely incredible.
Apr 12, 2024
item E7.7 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 11:55 ==
URL @JeffreyTowson
Winning was not the goal.
Military Spending was the goal.
But this metric, Operation Prosperity Guardian was a success.
Just like the 10 year Afghanistan war
Apr 12, 2024
item E7.6 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 19:28 ==
URL @clueclucks
Ethnic cleansing 101 and US is behind it.
item E7.5 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 19:32 ==
URL @RnaudBertrand
Arnaud Bertrand
Beyond shameful: "The US in recent days authorized the transfer of billions of dollars worth of bombs and fighter jets to Israel, [including] more than 1,800 MK-84 2,000lb bombs and 500 MK-82 500lb bombs."
From theguardian.com, Mar 30, 2024
Will Schryver
All I can think of when I consider the long litany of reports like this is that the rebound effect — the "karma" — will eventually express itself in a monumental fashion.
Brig V Mahalingam
So the talk of ceasefire, humanitarian aid etc that US keeps saying about Gaza seems total lip service. US action confirms its support to Israeli genocide of Palestinians including women and children.
Laurence (Larry) Boorstein
Joe Biden talks of pressuring "Israel" to let in humanitarian aid to Gaza and increased public criticism of "Israel." But this is a clear case of don't listen to what he says, just watch what he does. Transferring thousands of additional 500 lb and 2,000 lb bombs to "Israel."
item E7.4 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 19:49m ==
URL @shell zipi
@shell zipi
The USSR defeated Germany.
Then the US threw 2 nuclear bombs on Japan to tell the USSR to back off and let the US take control.
The US didn't need to grab land from other countries. It colonized the world through $ domination.
Stop lying, Elon.
Nelson Mandela, ”If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America.”The USSR defeated Germany.
— Shell 子皮 (@shell_zipi) March 29, 2024
Then the US threw 2 nuclear bombs on Japan to tell the USSR to back off and let the US take control.
The US didn’t need to grab land from other countries. It colonized the world through $ domination.
Stop lying, Elon.pic.twitter.com/xl1CMrCeih
item E7.3 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 19:54m ==
URL @KarimSa28492956
Karim Safwat
Those who provide weapons, ammunition and UNSC vetos are directly involved & not indirectly involved. Those indirectly involved are those providing cover or implicit support for the killing and destruction. The US is directly involved in and essential to every death and crime.
Mar 9, 2024
item E7.2 ==
txp == 2024-06-18 19:57m ==
URL @AliAbunimah
Ali Abunimah
Genocide @JoeBiden plays a diabolical double game: He feigns opposition to Israel's genocide but pleads impotence to stop it. The reality is he can stop it today by halting the 24/7 flow of weapons to the genocide regime. He alone chooses to continue the slaughter, not Netanyahu.
Feb 16, 2024
itemE6 ==
As usual, US government and MSM are lying about just about everything surrounding the 3 United States soldiers killed at “Tower 22” and supposed “Iranian aggression”. Iraq and Syria want the U.S. occupiers out of their countries, simply put. #Iran is their ally, but they are not Iran’s proxies. Watch this video and you will know and understand more than 99% of people in America and its allied countries. Watch & Share:
— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) February 4, 2024
As usual, US government and MSM are lying about just about everything surrounding the 3 United States soldiers killed at “Tower 22” and supposed “Iranian aggression”. Iraq and Syria want the U.S. occupiers out of… pic.twitter.com/Gd5anIdxlP
ADDENDUM: This week, the warhawks in Washington have treated U.S. media consumers with another episode of “shock and awe” as it launches a series of attacks which it claims are targeting alleged “pro-Iranian groups” located in Syria and Iraq.
Here are US combat helicopters, necessary to enforce the occupation.[9]
While this display of military prowess may play well to an American domestic audience, the reality is that the White House has further antagonized multiple sovereign states and non state actors in the region who would like to see an accelerated exit by the US from a beleaguered Middle East. The United States is already on extremely weak footing in both Syria and Iraq, and locals have made it very clear their occupation presence is unwelcome – a key point which most in Washington have chosen to ignore.
Far from deterring regional opposition to the occupation activities of the US and Israel, this move by Biden is only going to speed-up that process of pushing the US asset out of their remaining exposed positions…
Feb 4, 2024 Patrick Henningsen, @21WIRE
itemE5 ==
Yemeni Official Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti:
"It's a great honor for us that the sponsor and founder of terrorism, which has killed countless people around the world and used atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands there, is the one that classified us as terrorists." Jan 20, 2024
Yemeni Official: "It's a great honor for us that the sponsor and founder of terrorism, which has killed countless people around the world and used atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands there, is the one that classified us as terrorists." pic.twitter.com/dOPRYisMWn
— COMBATE |🇵🇷 (@upholdreality) January 20, 2024
Interview by grayzone's Max Blumenthal with Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti, senior political officer and spokesman for Yemen's Ansarallah movement (Houthi)
Our goal is to stop the genocide' Al Ansar
itemE4 ==
Armed men stand on the beach as the Galaxy Leader commercial ship, seized by Yemen's Houthis last month, is anchored off the coast of al-Salif, Yemen, Dec. 5, 2023. (Khaled Abdullah/Reuters)
Regarding the US statement warning Yemen’s Ansarallah (Houthis) to cease the attacks they’ve been making on commercial vessels in the Red Sea:
Caitlin Johnstone
Many critics have been pointing out the irony of the western power alliance threatening military intervention to protect shipping containers and corporate profits while actual human beings are being butchered by Israeli airstrikes and starved by Israeli siege warfare with nothing but friendly support from these same powers.
“Palestinians would really love to get the same amount of attention and protection as shipping containers,” tweeted Palestinian-Canadian journalist Yasmine El-Sawabi.
2024-01-04 @caitoz, Read whole post here.
itemE3 ==
Shibley Telhami
WH spokesman walks back the original US-backed goal of "destroying" Hamas.[8] While saying that Hamas capabilities can be degraded, he acknowledged that Hamas ideology will not be eliminated, that it still has "significant force posture" and it will not be "erased from existence." @ShibleyTelhami
Response by Arnaud Bertrand
This is a stunning admission, nothing says "we're winning" like walking back objectives...
Also how wasn't this painfully obvious from the very start? Literally everyone with a few braincells could see it...
And we're now in the crazy situation where Israel and the US are in a complete and utter mess of a situation. Israel wants to solve it with genocide/ethnic cleansing…[7]
itemE2 ==
Re: ”implicated”:
In reality the US is working hand-in-hand with the Zionist baby killers.
Ussama Makdisi:
Remember that every Palestinian child massacred in Gaza by Israel is part of a clearly genocidal campaign supported by the USA. For over 80 days. Massacre after massacre. Hospital after hospital. Home after home. Cruelty after cruelty.
And remember that virtually every single bomb or artillery shell fired by Israel is made in the USA, sent by the USA, and paid for by US taxpayers. And all of this is totally enabled by @POTUS who will go down in history as the most evil U.S. president for the Palestinians [5], far worse than Trump was and far worse than Truman.
The cruelty and callousness of the current U.S. administration toward Palestinian life is breathtaking. Utterly incomprehensible from any humane perspective or from any rational foreign policy objective.[6]
itemE1 ==
Sunset Jerusalem: Palestine Is Still The Issue
John Pilger in 2006:
"The occupation of Palestine should end now!"
"Or is history to witness the consequences of yet another silence?"
Recommended introduction
Palestine Is Still The Issue [2002] John Pilger Documentary (720p) - YouTube
Also when we signed
the petition to bring the responsible in Isra-l to the ICC court (via the ICJ)!
and different legal initiatives to force Israel and the West to comply to int'l rules of law.
"In any case, what Westerners call civilization, the others would call barbarity, because it is precisely lacking in the essential, that is to say, a principle of a higher order."
René Guénon, East And West, 1924
صلّى الله على سيّدنا محمّد و على آله و صحبه و سلّم
The blessings and peace of Allah on the Prophet, his Family, and his Companions, ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) .
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Source, 20 Dec 2018: Ibn Khaldun's Cyclical Theory on the Rise and Fall of Sovereign Powers: The Case of Ottoman Empire
56- The Holy Qur’an on Rise and Fall of Nations (Series: Inviting Reflections).
Ibn Khaldun - Wikipedia Born 732 AH, 1332 AD
The image is AI-produced.
This is also a U.S. president who is bad for all decent people who are active for truth and justice everywhere, as his administration sets a new precedent of wilful ignorance, blindness and carelessness and racism.
Reminder: Quran 21-1
{Their reckoning draws nigh for mankind, while they turn away in heedlessness.}
Quote From Sara Roy in the New York Review:
"In November a USAID official approached a colleague of mine and asked about the feasibility of building a tent city in the Sinai, which would be followed by a more permanent arrangement somewhere in the northern part of the peninsula. Later that month the daily Israel Hayom revealed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seeks to “reduc[e] the number of Palestinian citizens in the Gaza Strip to the minimum possible.”"
The Long War on Gaza | Sara Roy | The New York Review of Books (via @IbrahimZabad66)
Continuation of text
And we're now in the crazy situation where Israel and the US are in a complete and utter mess of a situation. Israel wants to solve it with genocide/ethnic cleansing: "since we can't defeat Hamas as an ideology we'll just get rid of all the Palestinians". And the US look so far opposed to this - publicly at least (who knows if they aren't supporting it in private) - and favor a 2-state solution that has never looked more unrealistic.
All the while Israel is doing its very best to trigger a regional war by bombing Lebanon and Iran left and right, presumably to get the US more involved in the fighting as some sort of Hail Mary, but neither Lebanon nor Iran nor the US are taking the bait.
And of course the biggest victims in all this remain the Palestinians who are undergoing unimaginable suffering at the hands of Israel with no end in sight.
How this will get resolved has never been less clear. The US could of course end this tomorrow by stopping its support for Israel but that'd require a level of political courage and moral clarity that's completely absent from Washington. Israel could also stop digging the mad hole it's put itself in but that's even less likely. The most realistic outcome is sadly no solution at all, just more festering of this ever deeper mess.
@RnaudBertrand, 2024-01-04
The longer this goes the higher the likelihood it escalates and since Israel does not want to stop or the US can stop it …
The "they deserve it" message quietly evolves to the "we didn't know" message.
I'm very afraid we're one much closer step into WWIII, I wish to be wrong with all my heart.
I surmise the US was happy to back ethnic cleansing until they realised it could be political suicide. The one thing I've never understood is why a country that only permitted dual citizenship in 1967 (I wonder if that's a coincidence?) allows dual citizens to be elected.
No figures of the number of Hamas killed have been released. The IDF ground troops with their tanks and armoured vehicles are no match against Hamas when it comes to street combat. All they can do is to use their superior air power to bomb and kill civilians.
It's business as usual. The degenerate US govt has been playing with the lives of Palestinians for DECADES, pretending they "care."
Whilst America is led by a self-proclaimed "I am a Zionist" president, nothing will change, but cooler heads see the Middle East tinderbox for exactly what it may mean, WW3. Perhaps a little hyperbolic but wars can start in an instant, & often from a single error in judgement.
Agree. Would argue situation not hopeless nor more complicated-opposite:Extrajudicial assassinations 🇸🇾🇱🇧 & acts of terror in Iran irreversibly exposed the main party to ‘conflict’ - those supporting (US, West & others) have opportunity to force peace. Good faith actors needed.
“The most realistic outcome is sadly no solution at all, just more festering of this ever deeper mess.” Or the terrifying slip into the broad regional war that, as you rightly say, Israel actually (if madly) wants.
The amount of Zionist losses in Gaza are staggering, in personnel, tanks, armoured troop carriers, bulldozers. This is why they are winding down (beginning of jan, 2024) and instead inflict losses elsewhere, Lebanon/ Beirut, Syria, Iran.
Source: Breaking news and analysis on day 117 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast
JFK’s War Against the Military Industrial Complex – The Future of Freedom Foundation
After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy also gradually lost trust and confidence in the military. When the Joint Chiefs of Staff presented Kennedy with a plan calling for a first-strike surprise nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, Kennedy left that meeting in disgust and indignantly stated, “And we call ourselves the human race.” His reaction was the same when the Joint Chiefs of Staff presented him with Operation Northwoods, a false-flag operation that was based on fraud and deception, in order to provide Kennedy with an excuse for invading Cuba, which was a sovereign and independent nation (just as Ukraine is today). Kennedy turned down the plan, much to the anger and chagrin of the military establishment.
Israel and the American Empire, Palestine Deep Dive
Talking points
EXPOSED: Israel and the American Empire | Matt Kennard, Lowkey, Huda Ammori & Ahmed Alnaouq - YouTube, Palestine Deep Dive
0:00 questions
1:19 Ahmed Alnaouq: Welcome
4:29 Q to Matt: Why did you write this book, The Racket?
11:20: Matt: The American Empire in the spotlight
15:00 Matt: America is not a beneficent power spreading peace and democracy 16:00 Q to Matt: Why does the Western media never mention
"American Empire"?
18:47: Q to Matt: How did visiting Palestine change your life?
26:00 Declassified UK's investigations into US influence in Britain
26:30 There are 12,000 US troops stationed in the UK
26:40 Julian Assange
27:30 Lowkey: The story of the killing of Harry Dunn
31:30 Lowkey: Grenfell Tower and F35 production: Arconic
34:00 Lowkey: US military personal in Israeli war rooms and US and UK military aircraft helping with "target acquisition"
35:20 Lowkey: Watch the movement of ships and planes - all that's said on a political level is PR
36:20: Lowkey: Western media lies to manage people's perceptions of the genocide
37:00 Lowkey: Palestinian resistance on the ground
37:15 Lowkey: Zodiac Maritime, British ships and Yemen
38:30 Lowkey: We should focus on material infrastructure more than what is said politically
40:00 Lowkey: Sitting with representatives of the British government means you are sitting with Israel
41:00 Lowkey: Direct action works - Palestine Action
41:45 Ahmed: The bomb that killed my family
42:00 Huda: Direct Action and starting Palestine Action
45:00 Huda: The crushing of Jeremy Corbyn and his politics
46:50 Huda: Palestine Action's expansion to the United States
51:30 Huda: The Legality of direct action - "We are respecting international law"
55:00 Lowkey: A coup attempt against Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, Mark Rowley
55:00 Lowkey: A coup attempt against Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, Mark Rowley
56:00 Lowkey: Palestine Action and the UK legal system
1:02:00 Lowkey vs The Israel Lobby 1:04:00 Matt: It has never been more urgent to discuss the Israel Lobby & Zionism
1:10:00 Matt: Alan Duncan vs The Israel Lobby
1:14:00 Lowkey: Zionism defined
1:15:20 Huda: Zionism defined
1:16:40 Matt: Why the US supports Israel - The Israel Lobby
1:23:30 Lowkey: The UK-Israel Tech Hub and its relationship with UK government
1:26:00 Lowkey: Oracle, UK data and Benjamin Netanyahu
1:26:40 Lowkey: Jonathan Pollard exposed
1:29:00 Huda: John Woodcock (Lord Walney) and the 'proscription light' against Palestine Action
1:32:30 Q to Matt: Would you live in American again?
1:34:00 Matt: Gaza has changed the world - the world is waking up
The Coup Against the Third World: Chile, 1973
Allende’s position (UNCTAD 1972) was ‘to replace an obsolete and radically unjust economic and trade order with an equitable one that is based on a new concept of man and human dignity and to reformulate an international division of labour that is intolerable for the less advanced countries and that obstructs their progress while favouring only the affluent nations’.
This means that the programmatic, political, and ideological issues cited by Allende remain valid and necessary in all societies suffering from the consequences of imperialism.