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Those Who Remember Allah Much

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Hadrat Abu Huraira (Raddi Allah Ho Ta Ala Anho) says that the Rasulu-llah (the blessings and peace of Allah upon him) was journeying along the way to Mecca Tul Mukarrimah when He (the blessings and peace of Allah upon him) came upon a mountain which was called Jumdan. He (the blessings and peace of Allah upon him) said that do journey of this Jumdan. The Mufarradoon (people who are alone, Plural) have excelled. The Sahaba E Ikraam (Ridwaan Ullah E Ta Ala Ajmaeen) asked: Ya Rasulu-llah (the blessings and peace of Allah upon him) Who are the Mufarradoon? Said: Those men and women who remember Allah very much(all of the time)

(Sahih Muslim)

From this Hadith, now we know that those men and women who are all of the time, spending their time in remembering Allah, are the Ones who excel. And become closer to Allah.

In another Hadith, it is said that do so much Dhikr that people call you Majnoon (Out of your mind). But this is to be understood that to do Dhikr all of the time, this is not possible with the tongue as the tongue has to do other things also like talking, doing business whereas Allah (may His Majesty be exalted!) says that the men who remember Allah even during business and with the family too. Now, when a person does business or is with the family, it is not possible to stop speaking and recite Qura'an, Kalima, Allah Allah etc. only. So, that is only possible with the heart. And this is the reason why Awlia Allah (Rahma Kumullah Ho Ta Ala) from all Tareeqahs have adopted the Dhikr from the heart at various stages. Some prefer to do Dhikr frm the tongue in the start and later with the heart whereas some start from the heart like the NAqshbandiya Mujaddediya Tareeqah.

Hadrat Baha Uddin Naqshbandi (Rahmat Ullah E Ta Ala Alayh) says that Two events surprised me a lot:

1. I saw a person doing dua while holding the cover (Ghulaaf) of the Kaaba Tul Mukarrema and his heart was not filled with the Dhikr of Allah.

2. I saw a young man who did business of 50,000 Dirham but his heart did not forget Allah even for a second.

May Allah let us be able to do Dhikr Allah properly and may we all follow the Sunnah of the Rasulu-llah (the blessings and peace of Allah upon him) till our last breath.
Aameen Sum Aameen


"Abu Saeed (ra), the former servant of Abu Usaid (ra), says that Omar (ra) once lead people in prayers. On observing his companions he used to ask them to sit and supplicate in turns. They all started to ask Allah until it was my turn to do so. I did so and I saw that Omar (ra) bursted into tears. I thought to myself that this is the person whom people call the hardhearted (stoic).

Obai ibn Ka'ab (ra): Stick to the path and Sunnah. For no one who is on the path, follows the Sunnah and cries after remembering The Compassionate will ever be touched by the fire. Likewise, one who is on the path and Sunnah and then shivers on the rememberance of Allah is like a tree whose leaves has dried and then quickly fall as a breeze blows by it. (Likewise, this person's sins will fall as the breeze of Allah's mercy blows by him.) Struggling on the path and Sunnah is much better than striving on other roads. So inspect youre deeds and see if they are in line with the ways of the prophets and their traditions."

"In any case, what Westerners call civilization, the others would call barbarity, because it is precisely lacking in the essential, that is to say, a principle of a higher order."
René Guénon, East And West, 1924

صلّى الله على سيّدنا محمّد و على آله و صحبه و سلّم

The blessings and peace of Allah on the Prophet, his Family, and his Companions, ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) .




* Living Islam – Islamic Tradition *