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The Intermediary of Shirk - 1

Notions That Must Be Corrected

Shaykh Muhammad b. ʿAlawi al-Maliki al-Hasani

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Allah (may His Majesty be exalted) repels punishment from the people on earth by means of those who seek His forgiveness and those who maintain His mosques, and that by their means, He provides the people of earth with sustenance and support and protects them from afflictions and drowning.

“They err in their understanding of the reality of intermediaries, and recklessly rush to the judgement that any intermediary is shirk ...”
From: Notions That Must Be Corrected
Shaykh Muhammad b. `Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani, p.53ff

Many people err in their understanding of the reality of intermediaries, and recklessly rush to the judgement that any intermediary is shirk, and that he who takes an intermediary, whatever the fashion, has associated partners with Allah, and that his state in this affair is that of the pagans, who said

{ We do not worship them except that they might bring us near to Allah. } al-Zumar: 3

This statement is rejected, and the attempt to use this verse as evidence here is misplaced. This is because the noble verse is explicit in its censure of the pagans for their worship of idols and taking them as gods besides Allah, the Exalted, and their association of them with Him in His Godhood, claiming that their worship of these idols is nothing more than a means of drawing nearer to Allah.

The disbelief and paganism of their action stems from both their worship of these idols, and their belief that they are lords besides Allah. Something of great importance which must be explained here is that this verse confirms that the pagans were not sincere in their justification for their worship of idols by claiming that they used them to draw closer to Allah. For had they been truthful in this, Allah would have been greater to them than their idols, and they would not have worshipped other than Him.

Allah forbade the Muslims from insulting the idols of the pagans. He said:

{ Do not curse those upon whom they call beside Allah, lest they wrongfully curse and revile Allah through… }

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صلّى الله على سيّدنا محمّد و على آله و صحبه و سلّم

The blessings and peace of Allah on the Prophet, his Family, and his Companions, ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) .



Shaykh Muhammad b. Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani

Quoted from

link-in The intermediary of shirk - This here is an extract of 5 pages from “Notions That Must Be Corrected” - Mafahim Yajib an Tusahhah; pp.53ff by Shaykh Muhammad b. Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani, which is a defense against the misinformed attacks against the Islamic tradition, attacks which are based on misguided principles and false claims.
From the life of the Shaykh (1944–2004): wikipedia

link-out The Intermediary of Shirk
Notions That Must Be Corrected; Shaykh Muhammad b. `Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani
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* Living Islam – Islamic Tradition *