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Scholarly Reasoning ijtihād

Prof. ʿAbdullah Guenon Al-Hasani

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Commendation By The Great Scholar Of Morocco,
The Diligent Hadith Scholar,
Prof. `Abdullah Guenon Al-Hasani,
President Of The Moroccan League Of Scholars And Member Of The Islamic World League, Mecca

“The role of scholars in our times is to awaken emotion and zeal in the souls of the Muslims, and to encourage their leaders and rulers to stand up to the enemies of Islam who are enslaving the defenceless believers” in many places and countries.

“They err in their understanding of the reality of intermediaries, and recklessly rush to the judgement that any intermediary is shirk ...”
From: Notions That Must Be Corrected
Shaykh Muhammad b. `Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani, p.53ff

All praise belongs to Allah, and peace be upon our liege lord and Master, the Messenger of Allah; and his family, companions, and all who follow him.

My brother for the sake of Allah, the great and eminent scholar Sayyid Muhammad ’Alawi al-Maliki, has shown me this book, which he has named Notions That Must Be Corrected. He has divided the work into three sections: the first is concerned with tenets of faith, the second with Prophethood, and the third with visitation.

The author does not mean to examine the origins of these issues in the Sacred Law, or to give a comprehensive exposition of them; rather, he wishes to discuss those matters upon which scholars past and present have been divided, just as they differed concerning issues of jurisprudence. No clear unambiguous text exists concerning these issues, and so the reasoning of each of these scholars led them to the conclusions that best satisfied them; yet none of them criticised others, or denied the validity of where their own reasoning led them. Scholarly reasoning (ijtihād) always leads to several conclusions, not to one single conclusion, and so all who engage in it are deserving of reward. Reward is only granted for good deeds, not blameworthy ones.

We used to say that the difference of opinion in these matters was over and done with, just as the difference of opinion in matters of jurisprudence was, when at the Islamic conference held in Jerusalem in 1931, the Muslims prayed behind the Shī`ite Imam al-Tabātabā`ī despite their different juristic schools, and the multiple prayer niches were removed from the Umayyad mosque and al-Azhar and others, and the Muslims began to pray behind one Imam, in one mosque, with one prayer niche, without asking about his juristic school or his creed. They did this just as the companions did, praying behind al-Hajjāj b. Yūsuf in Basra, and behind other people in other places.

Satan, however was not satisfied except that he should again stir up this issue between the Muslims…

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صلّى الله على سيّدنا محمّد و على آله و صحبه و سلّم

The blessings and peace of Allah on the Prophet, his Family, and his Companions, ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) .



Related texts
link-in The Intermediary of Shirk
Notions That Must Be Corrected; Shaykh Muhammad b. `Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani
[download book]


* Living Islam – Islamic Tradition *