Abu Dhardâ'

( radiyAllâhu ta'âlâ 'anhu )

When He Adressed the People of Damascus

Sulaiman bin Ahmed narrated that Abu Dhardâ', Allah be pleased with him, was in Syria, and he addressed his audience, saying:

”O People of Damascus!

Are you deriving satisfaction in this world from merely filling your stomachs with wheat bread year after year while the name of Allah, the most exalted, is never mentioned in your unions (or meetings)? Why do I find your scholars trickling down in number, and those who lack knowledge among you are not seeking to learn? —

Should the intelligent among you use their brains, then Allah willing, they can expand their knowledge, and should your ignorant ones solicit (seek) the true knowledge then they will surely find it readily available and easy to reach!

You must pay the dues for what you receive from Allah, the Lord of Majesty and Glory. I swear by Him, in Whose Presence my soul stands, that no nation has ever perished except when the people pursued their own fancies, praised their own devotion, and took pride in their personal achievements.”

Hilyat-ul Awliyā wa Tabaqāt-ul Asfiyā, Imam al-Hāfiz Abu Na’īm al-Asfahani; Beauty of the Righteousness

Green leaves

Sayings of Sahaba, and of foremost pious leaders

Huthaifa Bnu-l Yammān

Abu Muhammad bin Hayyān narrated that Huthaifa Bnul Yammān, God be pleased with him, once said:

”The most I fear for this nation of believers (*umma* ), is that they give preference to what they see [appearences] over what they know [to be true and real*], and to step into heedlessness without realizing it.”

*True and real is Allah
, His Prophet , the message of Islam.

Ḥilyat-ul Awliya wa Ṭabaqat-ul Aṣfiya, Beauty of the Righteousness, p.298

Abu Saʿīd ibn Abi-l Khayr

"Books! ye are excellent guides, but it is absurd to trouble about a guide after the goal has been reached."

"The first step in this affair (Sufism) is the breaking of ink-pots and the tearing-up of books and the forgetting of all kinds of (intellectual) knowledge."


A Funeral of a Sahaba

’Ata bin Abi ‘Abbas reported that God’s messenger buried ‘Abdullah Thul-Bajadain at night, he lit a fire by the grave, and then descended the grave first, before he said to his two blessed companions Omar and Abu Bakr: “You may now lower down your brother.”

God’s messenger then laid him in his charnel (lahd) facing the Qibla, and after straightened the grave with the remaining of the companions, they all performed the funeral prayer on him at the grave site. Before leaving, God’s messenger looked at the grave of ‘Abdullah, and he addressed him saying:

“God bless your soul O ‘Abdullah, for you were indeed a true penitent oft-pondering your Lord, and you recited the Qur’an regularly and methodically.” Facing the Ka’ba, God’s messenger then lifted up his hands and prayed: “My Lord, as of the fall of this night, I am pleased with him, so may Thou be pleased with him, and bless him as well.”

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‘Abdullah, the son of Omar, also was present that night, and when he heard God’s messenger recite this exalted prayer, he said to himself: “By God! I wish I was in his place. He received such exalted blessings even though I had embraced Islam fifteen years earlier than he did.”

The Beauty of the Righteous & Ranks of the Elite (Hiyat-ul Awliya wa Tabaqat al Asfiya), Imam Abu Na`im al-Asfahani, p,106

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